Thomas Jefferson Papers

Memorandum Books, 1814


Jan. 3. Recd. of Gibson & Jeff. 75.D.
4. Gave my note to Wm. Bacon for 30.D. with interest from Nov. 21. 1812. for beeves bought.
Pd. E. Bacon for  Richard Bruce 20.B. Corn 56. 67
Wilson Madeiras. pr. boots Fr. Eppes  7.
Geo. Gilmer a lamb 2.
65. 67
Hhd. exp. 1.D.
8. Recd. from Joel Shifflet for the hire of Mrs. Marks’s Eve 18.75.
9. Inclosed to Roland Goodman on acct. 25.D.
10. Pd. the midwife (Rachael) 8.D. for Rachael Bedf.,66 Scilla, Cretia and Ursula.
Recd. of Reuben Grady (thro’ E. Bacon) 5.D. for firewood in 1813.
11. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
14. Repd. Dick his waggon expences from Bedford 1.D.
17. Rolin Goodman begins to work. See ante Aug. 23.
18. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
23. Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 300.D.
24. Pd. Th:J. Randolph tax for single phaeton & gigg for 1814 14.D.67
Put into the hands of E. Bacon 270. to pay as follows
John Nelson my note to Chandler for a mule Nov. 8. 12.  62. 50
Shackleford for cows 28.
Gamble Wm. for a cow 12.
Th:J. Randolph for do. in acct. (Cr. 9.D.) 5 
Martin Benj. for rye 37. 50
<Carr James>
Mansfield R. for plank 13.
Vest 18. 70
Chisolm Isham my assumpsit for Reuben Perry (Cr. 5.) 45.
221. 70
27. Drew on Gibson & Jeff. in favr. D. Higginbotham for 22.50 for cotton.
Hhd. exp. 3.D. 30. Do. 1.
31. Inclosed to Saml. Greenhow an ord. on Gibson & Jefferson for 50.D. for the Bible society of Virginia.68
Feb. 3. On settlement of my dealings with D. Higginbotham from Aug. 1. 1812. to July 31. 1813. the balance due him is 1903.50 for which I gave him my acknolegemt.69
 Analysis of the dealings in that period
Negroes70 1107.80
*groceries 312.13
iron & steel 210.14  to wit† 2200½ ℔ iron. 74¼ ℔ steel.
salt 122.14  13 sacks + 1½ bush.
sping. cotton 230. ℔  57.50
Miscellanies 164.72
*groceries, to wit.  white sugar 271 –4
brown do. 317
coffee 66 –8
tea 22 –2
spirits. 18¼ gallons.   
†The sawmill took upwards of 1000. ℔
Exchanged a watch with my brother & gave him the 40.D. ante Aug. 8. in boot.
7. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
14. Pd. Wm. Johnson for oysters 3.D.
Gave him ord. on Gibson & Jefferson for 8.D. on acct.
Lodged with D. Higgenbotham 3.75 for  Barnet for 2 slays.
Feb. 17. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
20. Do. 1.37½ pd. Philip for a mink skin .50.
23. Pd. Caesar71 for 4. ducks 1. 25. Hhd. exp. 1.
27. Hhd. exp. 1.25 pd. cleaning sewers 1.D.
Mar. 3. Recd. back from E. Bacon 49.12½ of the 270.D. ante Jan. 24. which was intended for James Carr with whom he has not settled.
Pd. Th:J. Randolph tax for my double phaeton for 1814 10.D.
4. Recd. of Patrick Gibson 100.D.
6. Drew ord. on do. for 280.D. in favr. Martin Dawson assee. of Craven Peyton for 84. B. corn @ 20/ dated Mar. 1.
Houshold exp. 1.D.
7. Pd. Richd. Durrett on acct. 30.D.
Pd. to E. Bacon for John Rothwell for 14. B. corn 42.D.
9. Hhd. exp. 1.D. 10. Lamp-black .50.
11. Pd. E. Bacon for James Carr, a cow, fodder &c. 40.37.
Pd. do. balance Dr. John Gilmer’s account 2.D.
12. Pd. stage driver bringing plated braces of Landau72 1.D.
20. Cleaning sewers 1.D. 21. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
22. Renewed my notes at the Virga. bank for May 6. & July 8. & inclosed them to Mr. Gibson to be in readiness for exchange.
29. Hhd. exp. 1.
31. Recd. of Patrick Gibson 275.
Apr. 1. Pd. my acct. at Wayt and Winn’s 12.40.
Pd. do. at J. Kelly’s 11.50.
Pd. portage by stage .50.
2. Gave Moses to pay ferriage to Colo. Branham’s .25 charity 1.D.
3. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
5. Recd. from Wm. Fitz for firewood 7.D. & from Jos. Barnet for do. 5.D.
Pd. E. Bacon for  Joshua Key for corn 120. 75
Wm. Stevens for do. 90.
John Rogers for a beef & a mutton   26. 26
Nimrod Branham balce. store acct. 1. 67
238. 68
9. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
17. Sewers 1.D.
18. Drew order on Gibson & Jefferson for 52.80 in favr. William Johnson being the balance due him for carrying down the last year’s flour, to wit 226. barrels.—Hhd. exp. 1.D.
19. Beverly73 ferrge. to Poplar forest .25—pd. for fish .75—for 6 do. 2.50.
20. Bought a horse (Bremo)74 from John Hartwell Cocke for 50£ dark bay, star in forehead, by Knowesly, 8. y. old this present spring.
Hhd. exp. 1.D.
23. Craven’s waterman bringing up fish 1.D.
27. James (Isbel’s) to procure some living carp for the pond 5.D.
Charity 4.D. 28. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
May 1. Pd. Isaacs for 6. shad 3.D.
2. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. Joseph B. Proctor for
D c 
55. 25  to wit 105 ℔ cotton 26.25  oats 25. tar 4.D. =
55. 25.
Drew on do. in favr. of John Perry assee. of Rob. B. Sthreshly for corn bought ante Oct. 13. for 230.D. paiable the 10th. inst.
3. By order of Edmd. Bacon and on acct. for his wages I drew on Gibson & Jefferson in favor of Saml. Dickson for 122.50 payable at 60. days date.
May 7. Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 150.D.
Pd. Roland Goodman 25.D.
8. Pd. Richd. Durrett thro’ E. Bacon 45.83.
9. Recd. back from James 3.D. See ante Apr. 27.
Hhd. exp. 5.D.
13. Do. 1.5 Mrs. Smith knitting.
15. Cleaning sewers 1.D.
16. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
17. Recd. of D. Higginbotham 30.D. and gave him a draught on Gibson & Jefferson in exchange for the same.
Sent Mrs. Molly Lewis on acct. 30.D.
20. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
21. Settled with Elijah Rosson for his work on the Landau and gave him an order on Gibson & Jefferson for 30.50 the balance after deducting 72.D. for 1201.f. of ash delivered him.
Warren. vales .5. old & new ferrge. 2.25  =  2.75
Gibson’s lodgg. &c. 1.75. Raleigh brkft. 1.96 H. Flood’s oats .50 = 4.21
Hunter’s lodgg. &c. 3.75 3.75

28. Pd. for candlebox 1.D. candles 1.D.
June 8. Pd. for Chickens &c. 2.D.
19. Gave Fr. Eppes & J. W. Baker 2.D. Burwell 10.D.
22. Wrote to P. Gibson to remit 240.D. to Archibd. Robertson for J. A. Goodman
to wit. to  Nimrod Darnell  on acct. Hugh Chisolm  20
on my own acct. 20  40.
Jeremiah A. Goodman on acct. 60 
    Payne for a horse 35. 25
    John Clarke 346. b. lime 43. 50
    for plank 37. 50
    for whiskey & on acct 23. 75
23. Pd. Hugh Chisolm on acct. 10 D.
24. Debts & vales 8.D. Hunter’s oats .75.
25. Flood’s dinner lodging &c. 3.75 Raleigh brkft. 1.92 Warren ferrge. 1.D. Warren. horses at tavern 1.33.
26. Enniscorthy vales .50. Cash in hand 11.625.
28. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
July 2. Hhd. exp. 1.18 sewers 1.D.
5. Hhd. exp. 1.50 Do. 1.D.
Hugh Chisolm finished at Pop. For. the 1st. day of this month.
8. Hhd. exp. 2.D.
<Drew ord. on Gibson & Jeff. for 105.D. in favr. Wm. Steevens or order for 35. barr. corn.>
Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 175.D.
Pd. John Brown millwright, on acct. 100.D.
9. Took back the order of yesterday of 105.D. in favr. of Stevens, and drew on Gibson & Jefferson for 70.D. in favr. of Jos. Bishop on the order of Wm. Stevens. There are only 20.D. now due to Stevens, to wit, for 30. bar. corn.
10. Hhd. exp. 1.5.
11. Pd. David Isaacs for veal 4.D. for books 3.5.
12. Pd. John Hemings his annual gratuity 20.D.
20. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
23. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson for 63.91 in favr. Jos. B. Proctor for cotton and whiskey.
July 23. Hhd. exp. 1.5 D.
24. Nace cleansing sewers 1.
31. Pd. Elijah Ham75 25.D. on acct.
Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 200.D.
Aug. 1. Put into the hands of E. Bacon 200.D. to pay as follows
Jesse Winston Garth for corn 46. } in full
D. Woods (assee. of Jos. Mills) for do.  60.
Wm. Steevens, on acct. for corn 10. (10.D. still due)
Danl. F. Carr76 on acct. for do. 50. (142. still due) 64. B. @ 3.D.
John Gilliam for oats & hay 14. 16
David Ker for oats 20 
200. 16
7. Gave my note to Daniel F. Carr for 192.D. payable in January next with int. from Aug. 1. balance for corn as above.
Gave my note to Hugh Nelson77 for 105.D. payable Jan. 1. for cattle bought of him.
Charge Rolin Goodman 15.D. of the above for a cow bot. for him.
Houshold exp. 3.D.
11. Do. 2.D.
13. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. Wm. Johnson for 7.D. for bringing up fish &c. and the additional price of bringing up mould boards78 should he get them.
15. James for expences to Culpeper C. H. 2.D.
16. Pd. Mr. Vest portage by stage 1.25 and postage on abuses of my frank79 1.25 = 2.50. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
Desired Mr. Gibson to remit 150.D. to N. G. Dufief Phila.
Wrote to N. G. Dufief to apply it as follows.
J. F. Watson. bookseller 11. 25 for Edinb. reviews80
Bradford & Inskeep do. 68. 75 for 12. cop. Lewis & Clarke81
Wm. Barton. Lancaster 18. for 6. cop. Rittenhouse’s life82
Wm. Duane. for Aurora   15  May 1. 1812. to May 1. 1815
to his own acct. 37.
17. Wrote to the several persons to apply to Dufief for paiments as above.
Hhd. exp. 1.D. 23. Do. 1.D.
24. Recd. from Th:J. Randolph 30.D. to be replacd. by draught on Richmd.
27. Wormly for ferrge. to Snowden 1.D.
28. Pd. Davy for a kiln of 974. bush. coal, to wit 33. bushels to the cord 1.64 @ .05 sewers 1.D. hhd. exp. 6.D.
29. Pd. Roland Goodman 2.D. recd. back from Wormly .125.
Gave Danl. F. Carr and order on Gibson & Jefferson for 50.D. on acct. for corn. See ante Aug. 7.
30. Pd. Steevens in full for corn 10.D.
31. Charity 1.D.
Sep. 1. Pd. for pr. gloves 1.25 Hhd. exp. 1.D.
3. Hhd. exp. 4.D. 6. Borrowed of D. Higginbotham 15.D.
7. Hhd. exp. 1.D. 8. Do. 2.D.
9. Hhd. exp. 1.D. 14. Do. 1.D.
16. Recd. of Robert E. Cummings of Washington county 100.D. for a full blooded Merino ram of the last year.
17. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
Sep. 13. Repaid D. Higginbotham 45.D. to wit the 15.D. ante Sep. 6. & 30.D. which he had paid Seth Burnley for me Aug. 13.
Repaid Th:J. Randolph 30.D. ante Aug. 24.
Pd. Judge Holmes 10.D. in full for the cloth ante June 18. 1813. The 10. yds. have cost 40.D. + 39. ℔ pure Merino wool.
27. Pd. Roland Goodman on account 10.D.
Settled with Clifton Harris, sher. of Alb. my taxes83 &c. for this year, viz.
   Taxes 172.36
county & parish levy 23.87
tickets for  myself 13.17
Mrs. Marks  7.39
Wm. Short 5.29
Molly Lewis’s order 8.24
  gave him ord. on Gibson & Jefferson for 230.32 payable Oct. 25.
29. Paid for 10. ℔ hops 3.50 @ 2/ (which is 1/ over).
30. Hhd. exp. 4.D.
Inclosed to John Barnes a 5.D. Alexandria bank note to be changed & placed to my credit.
Oct. 1. Borrowed of Th:J. Randolph 10.D. pd. for 27. ℔ hops 9.D.
2. Pd. for hops 3.5 sewers 1.D. hhd. exp. 1.D.
5. Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 50. repd. Th:J. Randolph 10.D. ante Oct.1.
7. Hhd. exp. 1. 9. Do. 2.D.
11. Recd. of Clifton Harris 150.D.
Drew in his favor on Gibson & Jefferson for 150.D. in exchange.
Pd. Mrs. Molly Lewis 100.D. of which 60.D. is for 360. ℔ bacon furnished Roland Goodman & to be charged to him. Note her acct. was 99.87½ which leaves her in my debt the two articles ante May 17. & Sep. 27.
14. Charity 1.D. 15. Hhd. exp. 1.D.—Do. 2.D. 22. Charity 1.D.
23. Hhd. exp. 3.D.
Drew on Gibson & Jefferson for 167.D. in favr. John H. Cocke in payment for a horse ante Apr. 20.
25. Inclosed to Lancelot Minor 10.D. to pay tax of Mrs. Marks’s land in Louisa.
30. Delivd. Mr. Bacon 40.D. of which 18.D. is to pay for lambs and 22.D. towards the price of 2. ploughhorses bought for 100.D. the balance to be paid in Aug. next.
31. Warren. ferrge. 1.D.
Nov. 1. Raleigh. brkfast. 2.33.
2. Hunter’s do. 1.97.
4. Renewed my note in bank of Virga. for Nov. 11.
Drew on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. Reuben Perry for 75.D. which overpays our old balce. of 67.48 and it’s interest.
6. Pd. for Chickens eggs &c. 2.D.
Charge Reuben Perry his smith’s accts. at Pop. For. £2–19s–11d + £2–6s–8d.
11. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson for 129.23 in favr. of Arch. Robertson to be pd. to Clayton Sheriff of Bedford for my taxes in Bedford & Campbell this year.—gave Burwell 10.D.
12. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson for 66.D. in fav. Jer. A. Goodman to pay    for  barrels of corn.
Note I drew on them in favr. A. Jamieson the 7th. inst. 110.D. for 20. b. salt.
Nov. 13. Borrowed of Burwell .50 vales & debts at Pop. For. 4.50 Hunter’s oats .75.
14. Flood’s vales .25 (note my bill there unpd. is 8.79) Raleigh oats 1.D.
15. Gibson’s lodging &c. going & coming 4.D. (still owe 1/9).
Warren. ferrge. 1.D. oats & servts. brkft. 1.62½.
Cash on hand 2.37½.
18. Hhd. exp. 1. (about this time borrowd. 30.D. of D. Higginb. & omitted to enter it.
23. Pd. Rachael midwife for Lazaria,84 Virginia, Lucy & Fanny 8.D.
24. Pd. Joshua Key for 878. ℔ fodder @ 6/ 8.12½ which by mistake was .65½ too little.
25. Recd. from Gibson & Jeff. 45.D. pd. Burwell .50 ante Nov. 15.
27. Philip for sewers twice 2.D. sent to Mary for butter 10.D.
Hhd. exp. 5.25.
28. Hhd. exp. 1.25.
Dec. 1. Gave order on Gibson & Jefferson for 20.D. in favr. James Rainer, substitute in militia service for Elijah Ham to whom it is to be charged.
4. Hhd. exp. 2.D. 6. Stage portage .50.
10. Inclosed to Henry Flood 9.D. my bill of exp. ante Nov. 14.—Hhd. exp. 1.
James exp. to Pop. For. 1.D.—hhd. exp. 2.D.
13. Hhd. exp. 2.D.
20. Repd. Th:J. Randolph exp. of mare pd. for me in Amherst 1.D.
22. Nace. sewers 1.D. hhd. xp. 1.67.
23. Davy, Bartlet,85 Nace, & Eve to pay ferriages to Bedford 1.D.
25. Hhd. exp. 1.D.—do. 1.D.
26. Recd. from Edmund Bacon 55.D. for which I gave him my note payable on demand with interest.
About the 15th. inst. I gave D. Higginbotham an ord. on Gibson & Jeff. for 50.D. to cover the 30.D. ante Nov. 18. and I desired to let86 Carden have a bushel of salt out of it, which I am to charge to Carden, the balance on acct.
31. Sent  Shifflet 5.D. for 10. turkies. Hhd. exp. 1.D.

66 Rachael (b. 1773), daughter of Cate and James Hubbard (b. 1743), was the wife of James (b. 1772). They and their children had been moved from Poplar Forest to Lego in 1811 or 1812.

67The exigencies of wartime had compelled the federal government to revive the direct tax and some of the internal duties swept away during TJ’s administration. The carriage tax was $10 on phaetons and $4 on two-wheeled vehicles. According to the new internal revenue system established in 1813, Virginia was divided into twenty-six collection districts. TMR was collector of the nineteenth district, which included Albemarle, Amherst, Fluvanna, and Nelson counties; TJR was his deputy (U.S. Statutes at Large description begins The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America from the Organization of the Government in 1789 to March 3, 1845, ed. Richard Peters, Boston, 1848, 8 vols. description ends , iii, 22-34, 40-1, 53-72; TJR receipts, 23 Jan. 1814, MHi).

68 Samuel Greenhow was treasurer of the Bible Society of Virginia, which was founded in Richmond in 1813 with Rev. John Buchanan as president. TJ “chearfully” forwarded his contribution, expressing his agreement with Greenhow that “there never was a more pure and sublime system of morality delivered to man than is to be found in the four evangelists” (TJ to Greenhow, 31 Jan. 1814; Greenhow to TJ, 11 Nov. 1813, 4 Feb. 1814; Address of the Managers of the Bible Society of Virginia to the Public [Richmond, 1813]).

69David Higginbotham’s itemized account for TJ’s purchases from 3 Aug. 1812 to 27 July 1813 is in MHi. Included in the settlement was $60 Higginbotham owed TJ for renting a house on his lands near Milton and $11 for woodcutting rights.

70That is, yard goods, blankets and hats for distribution to TJ’s slaves (David Higginbotham account, Aug. 1812-July 1813, MHi).

71Conveyed to TJ by his mother in 1773, Caesar (1749-1820), whom TJ called “notorious for his rogueries” in 1792, was a farm laborer at Tufton and later at Monticello. He was the slave who was for three days trapped beneath the Monticello floor boards with the Jefferson silver, after he and Martin Hemings had concealed it from the occupying British soldiers in 1781 (TJ to TMR, 12 Oct. 1792; Randolph, Domestic Life, p. 56 description begins Sarah N. Randolph, The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, 1871, repr. Charlottesville, Va., 1978 description ends ).

72This landau, the first true coach TJ had ever possessed in Virginia, was made almost entirely by his own slaves. TJ designed it, John Hemings made the woodwork, Joe Fosset and Moses made the ironwork, Burwell painted it, and Charlottesville carriage maker Elijah Rosson did the finishing work. It was lined with scarlet rattinet and driven by four horses with postilions. For the rest of his life TJ used this vehicle, which was reported to resemble a mill hopper, for his longer journeys (Farm Book, p. 114 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends ; Bear, Jefferson at Monticello, p. 60, 62, 102 description begins Jefferson at Monticello, ed. James A. Bear, Jr., Charlottesville, Va., 1967 description ends ; Nichols, No. 533 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Architectural Drawings, ed. Frederick D. Nichols, 4th ed., Charlottesville, Va., 1978 description ends ; TJ to William Richardson, 6 [May] 1814; TJ to Hugh Chisholm and to Craven Peyton, 10 May 1814; Peachy Gilmer to Francis W. Gilmer, 3 Oct. 1815, printed in Davis, Gilmer, p. 90 description begins Richard Beale Davis, Francis Walker Gilmer, Richmond, 1939 description ends ).

73This was probably Beverly Hemings (b. 1798), son of Sally Hemings. He was a Monticello carpenter who ran away and evidently passed into the white world in 1822 (Edmund Bacon to TJ, 16 July 1820; Madison Hemings reminiscences, 1873, printed in Brodie, Jefferson, p. 473).

74Bremo became part of the four-horse team which drew TJ’s landau (Betts, Farm Book, p. 105-7 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Princeton, N.J., 1953 description ends ; Bear, Jefferson at Monticello, p. 60-1 description begins Jefferson at Monticello, ed. James A. Bear, Jr., Charlottesville, Va., 1967 description ends ).

75 Elijah Ham was overseer at Lego from 1812 to 1816 (TJ to TMR, 26 Aug. 1811; Farm Book, p. 143, 145, 149 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends ).

76 Daniel Ferrell Carr (d. 1847), son of Garland Carr, succeeded his father at Bentivar. A MS family memoir by his son Dr. William G. Carr is in ViU (Woods, Albemarle, p. 161 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

77U.S. Congressman and lawyer Hugh Nelson (1768-1836), son of Thomas Nelson (1738-1789), lived at Belvoir in northeastern Albemarle County.

78TJ had had twenty-four iron moldboards cast in Richmond from a model of his own moldboard of least resistance (TJ to John Staples, 4 May 1814; Malone, Jefferson, iii, 214-17 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends ; Betts, Farm Book, p. 47-64 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Princeton, N.J., 1953 description ends ).

80TJ had been subscribing since 1810 to the New York reprint of the Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal, which had been established in 1802. From Philadelphia publisher and author John Fanning Watson (1779-1860), TJ had ordered three volumes missing from his set and had subscribed to a republished edition, in fourteen volumes, of the first seven years of the Review; he received the last of these in Oct. 1816. After the sale of his library to Congress in 1815, TJ soon purchased replacement copies of the Review and continued to subscribe to this distinguished British journal, which he considered “unrivalled in merit” and on its way to becoming “a real Encyclopaedia” (TJ to Watson, 17 May 1814, 16 Oct. 1816; TJ to Fitzwhylson & Potter, 12 Oct. 1816; Sowerby, No. 4733 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

81 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, History of the Expedition . . . to the Sources of the Missouri (Philadelphia, 1814). For TJ’s interest in and contribution to the publication of the findings of the Lewis and Clark expedition, see Sowerby, No. 4168 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ; Jackson, Letters of Lewis and Clark, ii, 562, 584-98 description begins Donald Jackson, ed., Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition with Related Documents 1783-1854, 2d ed., Urbana, Ill., 1978, 2 vols. description ends ; and Paul Russell Cutright, A History of the Lewis and Clark Journals (Norman, Okla., 1976).

82TJ had subscribed to William Barton’s Memoirs of the Life of David Rittenhouse, pubished in Philadelphia in 1813 (Sowerby, No. 529 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

83 Clifton Harris’ itemized account of TJ’s taxes and tickets, receipted 27 Sep. 1814, is in MHi.

84TJ’s slave Lazaria (b. 1797), the daughter of Rachael (b. 1776), lived at Tufton. From Dec. 1814 she was called Maria (Farm Book, p. 147 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends ). Lucy (b. 1783), the daughter of Wagoner Phill and Molly, was a farm laborer at Lego. TJ gave Lucy and her children to TJR in 1820 (TJ to Craven Peyton, 27 Nov. 1818).

85 Bartlet (b. 1786), the son of Wagoner Phill and Molly, had been a nailer, lived at this time on the Monticello farm, and from 1817 lived at Lego. Eve (b. 1779), the daughter of Poplar Forest slaves Cate and James Hubbard, lived at Lego.

86Correctly “I desired him to let.”

Index Entries