Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Memorandum Books, 1782


Jan. 2. Pd. Ned 1/—Jupiter 3/.
3. Pd. Tom 1/.
4. Mr. Bryan receives 355 ℔ pork gross.
5. Giovannini da Prato receives 176 ℔ pork nett. He is to have for his & his wife’s year’s allowance 600 ℔.
6. I am indebted to Giovannini 20 barrels of corn for the year 1781. I do not charge him any money or other thing furnished him. I am to give for him & his wife for a year beginning Dec. 12. 1781. £20. hard money, & to find them meat as above & corn.
7. Sent old Mr. Brock for fowls £3–2.
Pd. A. Giannini for injury to a book 6/.
8. Wm. Orr the smith begins to work at £3 the month.
12. Charge T. Garth £150 paper he recd. in Sep. 1781. of Kindred & omitted to credit.
Watson has had  3.  galls. whiskey
3. galls. do.
½ galln. do.
Orr 1. quart do.
Watson  1 qt. do.
1 qt. do.
16. Recd. from John Lyne for opinion on Todd’s will 28 /.
17. Sent Anderson Bryan 3. hogs wt. 102 + 104 + 116 ℔ = 322 ℔ gross.
22. Pd. Ned Smith 28/ and gave him an order on H. Mullins for 19. galls. whiskey in full principal & interest for acct. of smith’s work to Apr. 8. 1778.
Sent James Buchanan to buy sundries 48/.
Left John Brock for C. Carter side of leather.
30. Charge Watson & Orr 3. galls. whiskey.
Feb. 1. Charge do. 4. gall. do.
2. Charge Watson 1. pr. shoes.
5. Orr has lost 4. days work.
12. Gave Jup. for ferrge. to Pop. For. 3/.28
Pd. do. 3/ in part of 15/ by ord. S. Matthews.
Mace Freeland’s case. Recd. 22/5¼ viz. a pistole for advice. (Buckingham)
Charge Giovannini 1 pr. shoes for his wife.
15. Charge Orr ½ gall. whiskey.
16. Charge him do. also a shirt.
James Dabney (Louisa). Charge him opn.
19. Charge Watson ½ gall. whiskey.
20. Charge Orr 1. galln. do.
21. Do. ½ gall. do.
23. He has lost 5. days work.
Mace Freeland. Recd. of him for drawing 2. petitions 21/.
Mar. 1. Recd. of James Dabney (Louisa) for opinion 24/.
Pd. Mrs. Grey for a turkey 3/.
Charge Orr ½ gall. whiskey.
4. Sent A. Wiley £3–4–5 to purchase sundries.
Charge Watson ½ gall. whiskey.
5. Charge Orr ½ gall. do.
8. Recd. of H. Mullins for whiskey 28/6.
9. Watson had a galln. of whiskey yesterday.
13. Orr has been absent 4. days.
15. Repd. Mr. Harmer postage 26/.
19. A beef purchd. of R. Davenport @ 4d pr. ℔ killed this day & weighed 150 + 163 + 151 + 142.
20. Delivd. 2. Barr. corn to Reynolds for F. Gaines.
23. Delivd. Wm. Orr 7. yds. Virga. cloth.
Delivd. Watson 6. yds. do.
Apr. 15. 29 Charge Wm. Turner a season to Caractacus.
My taxable property in Albemarle.
 4125½ as. land.
129. slaves.
2. free
106. cattle
23. horses & mules
1. chariot
1. chair
22. I agree to give Watson £40. per ann. for himself from the end of his first year & £10. more if Dodd comes.
23. James Jones a season to Caractacus.
27. Benj. Norrell a leap.
30. Recd. of Jas. Jones in part for season 36/3.
Pd. Watson for Orr 40/.
May 3. Rye carrd. to Mrs. Meriwether’s to be distilled
  119.  bush. from Shadwell.
58.  bush. from Monticello.
8. Our daughter Lucy Elizabeth (second of that name) born at one o’clock A. M.30
9. Recd. of Jas. Jones 3/3 in full for season.
10. Delivd. Watson 22 ℔ bacon & 1. bushel Indian meal.
16. Charge Colo. J. Harvie season of one mare to Caractacus. Recd. order on him for 45/ from Bowl. Clarke.
Charge Dr. Gilmer season 3. mares.
19. Gave Anthony Giannini as Committee of Francesco Tommei order on Mrs. Meriwether for 45. galls. whiskey on acct. of Fr. Gaines to whom I am to charge it.
21. Charge Jas. Cocke (Malverne hills) a leap.
22. Charge Doctr. John K. Reed an opinion on Mcintoshe’s bond.31
24. Charge Chas. Goodman a leap of Caractacus.
31. Recd. of Wm. Turner 31/8 in part for season.
Inclosed to Dr. Walker in paimt. for wheat 24/8 & order on J. Harvie for 45/.
June 1. Gave Watson order on Mrs. Meriwether for 10. galls. whiskey @ 3/6.
Gave do. for Wm. Orr do. for 8. galls. in full.
June 2. Charge Colo. TMRandolph carrying 2 hhds. tobo. from Edgehill to Richmd. I found provns.
Recd. of Ben Norwell for a leap 15/.
3. Lent J. Walker 10. ℔ brown sugar.
5. Recd. of Claud. Bustard in part for leap 12/.
7. Charge TMRandolph carriage of 2. more hhds. of tobo. ut supra sent off to-day.
Lent Mrs. Nich. Lewis 5. ℔ brown sugar.
19. Recd. of Chas. Goodman 15/.
Gave Phill 18/ to buy beer.
22. Pd. Watson 24/.
28. Recd. of  Huckstept 6. ducks 6/.
29. Recd. of Mrs. Grey 3 turkies very young.
Subscribed 500 ℔ tobo. or £5 to Mr. M. Maury annually to preach at Charlsvlle.
July 1. Pd. T. Turk 2/ for a bushel of corn furnishd. Phill. He sais I owe Givin for 5. bushels.
2. Recd. back of Phill 12/.
Gave Jupiter to buy beer 4/.
3. Charge Watson 1. galln. whiskey.
4. Gave Chas. Kerr order on Inspectors of Shockoe for notes of 2. hhds. tobo. from Cumbld. & on clerk of assembly for my wages of Dec. 1781. to pay taxes in Goochld. & Cumbld.
5. Cask of rum out.
7. Gave Bob to buy beer 3/9.
Note Mrs. Moore came here Mar. 27. and went away June 29.
July 11. Bought ducks of Mic. Defoe @ 1/6 & turkies 1/6.
15. Sent him 2. ℔ sugar & recd. 5. ducks.
19. Joseph Smith (Orange). Recd. 43/ for two opns.
20. Charge Watson 1. qt. whiskey.
22. Bennet owes me £49–10 of July 1781. T. Garth owes him £35. of same date. Credit Bennet & charge T. Garth accordly.
Agreed with Bennet to continue in Bedford as my overseer next year, same terms.
23. Charge Watson 3. qts. whiskey.
25. Charles Smith (Albem.). Recd. 24/ for opn.
26. Charge Watson 1. galln. whiskey.
29. Recd. of Wm. Turner 14/4 balce. for season of mare.
Charles Smith (Albem.). Recd. 26/ drawg. bill.
30. Pd. Mrs. Grey 6. ℔ sugar.
31. Inclosed Mr. Steuart32 to pay taxes Rockbridge 12/.
My taxes this year.33
 Land.  poll.  horses &c.   wheels
  £   £  s
Albemarle.  10–6–3   65–10  3–12–6  1–10–0
Bedford  18– 0–0 
Goochland  19– 0–0  1–18–4
Aug. 1. Charge Watson a season of his mare.
Received back the 12/ from Mr. Steuart.
3. Pd. Danl. Reynolds for 2½ ℔ wax 5/.
Pd. A. Giannini in part for wax 1/.
4. Pd. Dr. Walker’s Trim for 6½ qts. clover seed 6/8.
10. Gave Jupiter to buy files in Richmd. 12/.
16. Recd. back from Jupiter 2/.
17. Recd. 21/3 in Mrs. Wayland’s case (Culpeper).34
Let  Gray have a Dutch oven  23/6
A. Giannini do. 23/6
Giovannini do. 18/
Gr. George do. 18/
Jupiter do. 10/6
Tom do. 10/6
Scilla35 do. 10/6
22. Pd. Giovannini 20/.
27. Recd. back of Jupiter 6/.
28. Bot. of  Bacon 7. sheep for £3–10.
Paid him 28/.
31. Charge Watson 7 yds. linen for shirt.
Sep. 5. Lent Dr. Gilmer 5 ℔ sugar.
6. My dear wife died this day at 11H–45’ A.M.36
14. Recd. by Richd. Gaines for tobo. sold £29.
Lent him 12/6.
18. Pd. N. Hamner Dep. sheriff £5–6–8 cash & gave him order on Mr. Ross for £2–13–5½ cash & 2986 ℔ of tobo. instead of £37–6–6 my taxes paiable in tobo., deducting 37/6 for 3. casks.
These paiments were for the following purposes
a moiety of my land tax 5– 3 – 1½
Parish levy (St. Anne’s) 1– 14 – 2
Mazzei’s land tax 15
Anthony Giannini’s levy 0 –10
balance of my specific tax 7
£8– 0 – 1½
Moiety of tax on poll & animals 35– 6 – 3
Mrs. Moore’s tax (the whole) 12
Anthony Giannini’s tax (the whole)    12 – 3
B. Kindred’s tax (the whole)       16
  paiable in tobo. @ 25/ £37– 6 – 6
Paid him also balance of a paper money tax £5– 3  paper
& 23/6 for £2346– 9  paper
2351– 12
Also 11d for Mazzei for £92–10 paper, being balance of old paper money tax.
19. Pd. Watson 48/.
21. Gave my note on behalf of Fr. Gaines to Wm. Bibb to pay 24.£ this day 12. month.
23. Sent R. Dickerson 40/ of which 34/6 is for a gun he has stocked & the balance towards repairing one now sent.
25. Pd. Richd. Bruce parish levy of Fredsville. 26/11.
Pd. Isham Lewis my souldier tax £10–2–4.
28. Gave my note to W. Beck for £3. & allow him £6–8 more for going in quest of my negroes.
Charge Giovannini 2. galls. whiskey.
30. Cask of rum out.
Oct. 3. R. Gaines is to have 19 for his share this year notwithstanding the agreemt. of Nov. 30. He sais that C. Kerr’s is 110.
Pd. Butler 20/.
Pd. Jupiter 15/ on Samps. Matthews’s order.
Gave do. to pay ferrges. by Eppington37 to Richmd. 5/.
4. Sent Biby for tallow 7/11.
Bot. a horse (Assaragoa)38 of Joseph Embry for £60. on 6. months credit. He was got by Victorious, a son of Old Fearnought belonging to Craig in Orange out of a common mare. 3. years old the 25th. of May last. His marks, a small star in the forehead, a snip on the nose, 2 hind feet white, branded on left shoulder  .
5. Gave my bond to Embry as above.
Pd. Nat. Anderson for Mansfeild’s beef 13/4.
8. Pd. Watson 53/4.
11. Recd. a beef of Mrs. Sam. Carr’s estate wt. 198 ℔ + 4½ ℔ of tallow. Sent 50 ℔ to Nat. Anderson. The hide is to be returned. @ 2d.
Pd. Giovannini 20/.
13. Recd. of A. Giannini 17/ in full of all accts. except smith’s work & weaving.
15. Assigned F. Taliaferro’s bond for £45–1 paiable Apr. 10. 1783. to Joseph Embry in part satisfaction for my bond to him if he can collect it.
Recd. a beef of Mrs. S. Carr’s estate wt. 200 ℔ & 4. ℔ of tallow. Send 50. ℔ to Nat. Anderson. Hide to be returned. @ 2d.
Gave Bob to bear expences to Maryld. with S. Carr 24/.39
Oct. 18. Hired two sawyers to J. Sneed @ £7–10 a month.
21. Furnished A. S. Jefferson 3½ yds. Durantz.
22. Recd. from Mrs. Gray 7. turkies.
25. Agreed with B. Kindred to continue another year without his son. I am to give him 500 ℔ meat, 5 Barr. corn, ½ bush. salt & fodder as usual. He is to have half the earnings of the shop. For the last year he is to have ⅝ & I ⅜ of the earnings.
27. Let Watson have 3 ℔ sugar.
30. Pd. ferriage at Tucker Woodson’s 4/8.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
Pd. a guide to Eppington 6/8.
Nov. 1. Gave Jame for ferrge. 1/3.
6. 40 Recd. of T. Warren £3–6–8.
Pd. Martin in full 22/9.
13. Repd. Bob ferrge. 7½d.
15. Pd. James Clarke for an auger 8/6.
22. Gave Bob for ferrge. to Curles41 2/.
Gave Jame for ferrge. Manikin town 1/6.
27. Recd. of Dav. Ross £15.
28. Pd. exp. Manchester 3/.
29. Gave Bob for ferrge. 1/10.
30. Pd. Martin in full £3–4.
Pd. Mr. Cary for files 12/.
Dec. 1. Recd. of Dav. Ross £36–10.
Pd. for gloves 12/.
Gave Martin for ferrge. 1/4.
2. Gave servts. Ampthill42 52/8.
Gave Jupiter for ferrge. 8/2.
5. Pd. ferrge. Goochld. C. H. 6/.
Dec. 7. Gave my bond to Reuben Smith for £40. paiable Dec. 25. 1782. balce. due for the land.43
13. Sent Mic. Chiles for binding 6/.
14. Sent Jno. Brock for pr. of cards 12.
Overpd. to Bob 1/4.
16. Pd. servants 40/.
17. Recd. of my sister Lewis to get sundries in Philadelphia £3–12–6.
18. Pd. Butler for Watson 40/.
Pd. do. in part of my own acct. 40/.
Gave P. Carr & J. W. Eppes 26/8.
19. Set out from Monticello for Philadelphia, France &c.
20. Pd. entertt. at Orange C. H. 31/.
21. Do. at Wikoff’s44 25/.
Pd. a guide from Thornton’s45 6/.
22. Pd. entertt. at Harris’s, Newgate46 32/.
Pd. ferrge. George town 8/.

Maryland & Pennsylvania currency, 7/6 to the dollar.
23. Pd. entertt. at Bradford’s, Bladensburgh 52/.
Pd. ferrge. Patapsco 5/6—charity 1/10½.
24. Pd. entertt. Mrs. Ball’s, Baltimore £3–10.
Pd. barber 1/10½—servt. 1/10½.
Pd. ferrge. Susquehanna 17/8.
Gave ferrymen 3/9.
25. Pd. entertt. at Thompson’s, Susquehan. 56/6.
Gave Patsy 3/10½.
Dec. 26. Pd. repairg. harness at Newport 4/.
27. Pd. entertt. at Twining’s, Newport £5–15–6.
Do. at Hayes’s, Derby 10/6.
Pd. ferrge. Schuylkill 2/6.
Pd. barber in Philadelphia 3/9.
28. Pd. barber 2/.
Pd. entertt. at Lee’s, Indn. Queen 28/3.
Pd. Starr for shoes 18/9.
Pd. for pr. shoebuckles £3–2–6.
30. Pd. for sundries for Patsy £5–4–6.

28 Jupiter was taking fruit trees to Poplar Forest (Betts, Garden Book, p. 94 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Philadelphia, 1944 description ends ).

29 François Jean de Beauvoir, Chevalier (later Marquis) de Chastellux (1734-1788) was at Monticello from 13 to 17 Apr., on which date TJ accompanied him westward along the Three Notched Road for sixteen miles (Chastellux, Travels, ii, 390-6 description begins Travels in North America in the Years 1780, 1781, and 1782 by the Marquis de Chastellux, ed. Howard C. Rice, Jr., Chapel Hill, N.C., 1963, 2 vols. description ends ).

30 Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson, born at Monticello on 8 May, died of whooping cough at Eppington on 13 Oct. 1784, when her father was in France (Prayer Book description begins The Book of Common Prayer, Oxford, 1752, bound with A New Version of the Psalms of David, London, 1751, with pages bearing manuscript Jefferson family vital statistics, ViU. These are reproduced in facsimile in Thomas Jefferson’s Prayer Book, ed. John Cook Wyllie, Charlottesville, Va., 1952 description ends ; Elizabeth W. Eppes to TJ, 13 Oct. 1784).

32 Archibald Stuart (1757-1832) of Staunton, later a jurist and legislator, had been reading law under TJ. The taxes were for the land at the Natural Bridge.

33Real and personal property tax lists for each Virginia county, beginning with the year 1782, survive in the Virginia State Library. The numerous minor variations between the official returns and TJ’s tax entries in MB have not been mentioned here.

34See John Cook Wyllie, “The Second Mrs. Wayland: An Unpublished Jefferson Opinion on a Case in Equity,” American Journal of Legal History, ix (1965), 64-8.

35TJ gave Monticello slave Scilla (b. 1762) and her four children to MJR and TMR in 1790 (Papers, xviii, 12 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ).

36Martha Jefferson had been in failing health since the birth of her daughter Lucy in May. Never known for her robust health, she may have succumbed to the complications of childbearing; there is also a possibility that she was a victim of tuberculosis (see Gordon W. Jones and James A. Bear, Jr., “The Medical Side of Thomas Jefferson,” MS copy in Monticello Archives). For accounts of the death of TJ’s adored wife and his reaction to it, see Malone, Jefferson, i, 393-7 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends ; Papers, vi, 196-200 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; and Bear, Jefferson at Monticello, p. 99-100 description begins Jefferson at Monticello, ed. James A. Bear, Jr., Charlottesville, Va., 1967 description ends .

37Francis and Elizabeth Wayles Eppes had moved about 1780 to Eppington, which is on the Appomattox River near the mouth of Winterpock Creek, about twelve miles west of Petersburg.

38TJ sold the carriage horse Assaragoa in Boston in 1784 (Betts, Farm Book, p. 94-5 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Princeton, N.J., 1953 description ends ).

39TJ’s sister Martha Carr and her six children had been living with him probably from some time in 1781 and TJ had undertaken the education of his oldest nephew, Peter Carr (1770-1815). He was now sending the eleven-year-old Samuel Carr (1771-1855) to the care of Dabney Carr’s brother, Overton Carr of Prince Georges County, Md. After his early education in Maryland, Sam Carr returned to Virginia and lived at Dunlora in Albemarle County (TJ to Overton Carr and to Thomas Stone, 16 Mch. 1782; Woods, Albemarle, p. 160 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

40Elected to the House of Delegates in April, TJ had declined serving on account of his wife’s illness. The House ordered him to attend and he did so on 6 Nov. in the custody of the sergeant at arms. Two days later he was excused from further attendance (JHD, Oct. 1782, p. 4-5, 7-8 description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, 1827-1828. Cited by session. description ends ).

41Curles, Richard Randolph’s Henrico County residence, lay on the James River about fifteen miles southeast of Richmond.

42TJ had been at Archibald Cary’s Ampthill “attending on my family under inoculation.” While there he received and accepted a reappointment as commissioner for negotiating peace in Europe (TJ to Robert Livingston, 26 Nov. 1782; Livingston to TJ, 13 Nov. 1782).

43TJ had purchased of Reuben Smith for £50 fifty acres on Byrd Creek, Goochland County, very close to his Elk Hill tract. Smith’s mother, Judith Smith the midwife, had a life tenancy in the fifty acres, which adjoined a further 312 acres TJ had recently bought from Edward Smith for £468. Payment to the Smiths was made during TJ’s absence in France and he sold both tracts with Elk Hill in 1793 (MB 1774, miscellaneous section; GoCDB, xiii, 207-8, 364; Papers, xvi, 94, xvii, 568 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Fee Book: “Statement of my debts when I went to Europe” description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends ).

44 Wycoff’s was a Fauquier County ordinary three miles north of Norman’s ford on the Rappahannock River (MB 10 Sep. 1791).

45 Thornton’s tavern was in Greenwich, Prince William County, about five miles southwest of present Haymarket (Scheel, Map of Fauquier County description begins Historical map, Fauquier County, surveyed and drawn by Eugene M. Scheel, Washington, D.C., 1974 description ends ; MB 9 Sep. 1791).

46Newgate was present Centreville in Fairfax County.

Index Entries