From Thomas Jefferson to the President of the Senate, 2 February 1791
To the President of the Senate
Philadelphia February 2d. 1791.
As the information contained in the enclosed extracts from a letter of Mr. Short’s lately received, has some relation to a subject now before the Senate, I have thought it my duty to communicate them, and have the honor to be with sentiments of the most profound respect and attachment, Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant:
PrC (DLC); in clerk’s hand, unsigned. Not recorded in SJL but entry in SJPL reads: “Th:J. to Pres. of Sen. inclosing Short’s letter on commerce of France and US.” Enclosure: Extracts from Short to TJ, 21 Oct. 1790 (see note 3 there). Texts of the Extracts are printed in , Foreign Relations, i, 120–1. On TJ’s editing and use of this extract, see Vol. 18: 544–5.