VI. Secretary of State to the President of the Senate, 20 January 1791
VI. Secretary of State to the President of the Senate
Philadelphia Jan. 20. 1791.
I have the honor to inclose you a letter from one of our captive citizens of Algiers, if I may judge from the superscription, and from the letters from the same quarter which I have received myself. As these relate to a matter before your house, and contain some information we have not before had, I take the liberty of inclosing you copies of them.—I have the honour to be with sentiments of the most profound respect & attachment, Sir Your most obedient & most humble servt.,
Th: Jefferson
RC (DNA: RG 46, Senate Records, 1st. Cong., 3rd. sess.); at foot of text: “The President of the Senate” (entry in SJL describes it as to “ Adams V. P. of the Senate”). PrC (DLC). FC (DNA: RG 59, Record of Reports of Thomas Jefferson, p. 142). Enclosures (in addition to that first mentioned, not otherwise identified): (1) O’Bryen to Carmichael [11 or 15 May 1790], printed below. (2) O’Bryen to Carmichael, 17 May 1790, printed below. (3) O’Bryen to TJ, 12 July 1790.
The above letter and its enclosures were laid before the Senate on 21 Jan. 1791 and referred to the committee appointed to report on trade with the Mediterranean (i, 234).