Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to H. Fizeaux & Cie., 23 July 1787

To H. Fizeaux & Cie.

Paris July 23. 1787.


The letter which you mention, of January 1, came duly to my hands, and I forwarded it by the first conveiance to the Commissioners of the Treasury of the U.S. at New York. I could do nothing else with it, being a matter entirely out of the functions of my office, and on which I was not authorized to give any answer. It is all I can now do with the letter of the 16th. inst. with which you have been pleased to honor me on the same subject. I will forward it to the Commissioners of the Treasury by the Pacquet boat which sails the 10th. of the next month. I have the honour to be with sentiments of the most perfect consideration and respect Gentlemen Your most obedient & most humble servant,

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC).

The letter of the 16th inst.: Not found but recorded in SJL as received 22 July; it was enclosed in TJ to the Commissioners of the Treasury, 5 Aug. 1787.

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