From Thomas Jefferson to James Buchanan and William Hay, 26 December 1786
To James Buchanan and William Hay
Paris Dec. 26. 1786.
It is with no small degree of surprize and vexation that I have this moment received from M. Limozin of Havre, the inclosed bill of lading for the Model of the Capitol, by which it appears that it has been shipped a few days ago. This model went out of my hands about the last of May or first of June, and would get to Havre in about 10. days, where I suppose it has lain neglected in a warehouse 6 months while there were tobacco ships constantly returning to Virginia. I had not an idea but that you had been in possession of it ever since the month of August. I hope you will be sensible that this extraordinary delay has been in no manner owing to me; and I still flatter myself it will arrive before the workmen can recommence their labours in the spring.
I have the honour to be with much respect, Gentlemen, your most obedient & most humble servt.,
Th: Jefferson
PrC (DLC). The enclosed bill of lading has not been found; see Limozin to TJ [19 Dec. 1786], and TJ to Buchanan and Hay, 13 June 1786.