From Thomas Jefferson to James Buchanan and William Hay, 13 June 1786
To James Buchanan and William Hay
Paris June 13. 1786
The model of the Capitol being at length finished I have sent it down the Seine to Havre, it being necessary that it should go by water. I have not yet collected the accounts, but shall soon do it, and forward them to you. They will be less than I had expected. I shall pray you to account for their amount to the Governour and council, as I have with them an account into which it will be easier for me to transfer this article. I inclose directions for opening the boxes in which the model is; and I shall put two copies of those directions under other covers to you, in hopes some one of them may reach you with or before the model. I have the honor to be with much esteem Gentlemen Your most obedt. humble servt.,
Th: Jefferson
P.S. I take the liberty of putting under your cover a bill of lading for Doctor Currie praying you to deliver it to him as from y.h.s.,
Th: J.
PrC (DLC). Neither the RC of this letter, nor the enclosed copy of Directions for opening the boxes has been found. TJ evidently translated the directions and prepared three copies, of which two copies were sent under other covers. However, there is in Vi what may be the original instructions in French (see below). The enclosed bill of lading for Dr. Currie has not been found.
The model was not sent until Dec. 1786. See TJ to Buchanan and Hay, 26 Dec. 1786.