Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Banister, 9 March 1781

From John Banister

Dinwiddie co., 9 Mch. 1781. He has, in accordance with orders, arrested Overby and Wells, and bailed them in good security to appear for trial when called on. Their arms have been deposited in a magazine previously established. He expects to complete a third of the militia (233 in number), by subscription. Desires instructions as to the trial of the two men arrested.

MS not found; text of summary from CVSP description begins Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond description ends , i, 565, where this letter is recorded as to an unidentified recipient. There can be no doubt, however, that it was written by Banister to TJ, for (1) it is a reply to TJ’s letter to the county lieutenants of Dinwiddie and Essex, 5 Feb. 1781, and (2) it was answered by TJ under date of 13 Mch. 1781, qq.v. Banister was county lieutenant of Dinwiddie.

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