From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants of Dinwiddie and Essex, 5 February 1781
To the County Lieutenants of Dinwiddie and Essex
Richmd. Febry. 5th. 1781.
I have received particular information that Richard Overby and Richard Wills two of Capt. Hardaway’s company1 of Militia of your county lately on duty below have deserted and carried off their arms; as they are triable by a Court-Martial of the Officers remaining in the field, I am to desire you to exert every effort to have them taken and when taken to send them under guard to Cabbin point or wherever else the principal encampm[ent] shall be.
I am with much respect Sir Your most Obt.,
T. Jefferson
FC (Vi).
1. A notation at foot of text indicates that in the letter to the county lieutenant of Dinwiddie the following should be substituted in place of the names of deserters from Essex co.: “Jesse Hood of Capt. Dixon’s Company.”