Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants of Prince George and Other Counties, 1 March 1781

To the County Lieutenants of Prince George and Other Counties

In Council Mar 1st 1781


It being necessary that a reinforcement be sent immediately to General Muhlenburg you will be pleased to order1  of your Militia to be at his head quarters on the 5th or at furthest the 6th. instant. They will there receive arms. This number must be sent fully. I am Sir, &c., &c.,

T. J.

FC (Vi); at head of text: “Letter to the County Lieutenants of Prince George, Sussex, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Nansemond, Surry, Charles City, New Kent.”

This order, no doubt, was prompted by the fact that TJ had just learned of the intended expedition against Portsmouth (see TJ to Lafayette, 12 Mch.—second letter of that date).

1Below the text in FC there is the following list of counties with the numbers to be inserted in the letter to each at this point: “Prince George 125, Sussex 175, Southampton 219, Nansemond 161, Isle of Wight 150, Surry 95, Charles City 71, New Kent 104.”

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