Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants of James City and Certain Other Counties, [24 February 1781]

To the County Lieutenants of James City and Certain Other Counties

[24 February 1781]


Be pleased to order to on receipt of this of the militia of your County to remain on duty only till releifs ordered from Counties less exposed shall arrive. I hope this call will be thought less heavy on your County as we would avoid calling on it to perform a full tour of duty, and only wish them to serve during those short intervals between the necessary discharge of the militia and arrival of releifs. I am Sir &c.

FC (Vi). At head of text: “Cout. Lieuts. James City, York, Warwick, Elizth. city & City of Wmsburg.” Date established from TJ’s letter to Innes of this date; see also Va. Council Jour., ii, 299.

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