From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 13 September 1780
To George Muter
In Council Sep. 13. 1780.
The following articles being called for from us by Genl. Gates you will be pleased to give orders to the proper persons to have them in readiness as soon as possible. I am Sir with great respect Your most obedt. servt.,
Th: Jefferson
- 10. barrels of Vinegar
- 500 spades.
- 200 grubbing hoes.
- 100 Common hoes.
- 200 Felling axes.
P.S. I have been informed there are at Petersburg belonging to the Continent a number of spades. Be so good as to enquire into it that they may be ordered on in part of the above. Perhaps there may be other articles in possession of the Continentl. Q. Mr. A return is wanting from our Commissaries and from Mr. Day and Mr. Armistead what quantities of salt we have and where.
RC (DeHi). Tr in Board of War Letter Book (MiU-C). On a blank page of RC are memoranda (by Muter?), omitted here, giving the number of spades, hoes, axes, &c. wanted that are “Ready,” “Ordered,” or “Engaged.”