Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Sim Lee, 26 December 1779

To Thomas Sim Lee

Williamsburg Decr. 26. 1779.


I am much obliged by your friendly communication of the intelligence from the Chevalier de la Luzerne. It was delivered to me on the 22d. Instant, two days after the date of your letter, and three days sooner than I received it by Express in the ordinary way, a Time very precious if the Enemy should really visit us. I was sorry that the Master of the Vessel returned before I could send to him, as the Expence of his Journey was in Honour and Justice ours.

I shall omit no opportunity of performing the like friendly Offices to your State, and of cementing by every other means that union so necessary to the general good and happiness of us all, nor of assuring you with how much respect, I am Your Excellencys most obt. & most humble servant,

Th: Jefferson

RC (Lloyd W. Smith, Madison, N.J., 1946). In a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ. Addressed: “His Excellency Governor Lee, Annapolis. (public Service).” Endorsed: “26 Decr. 1779 Thos. Jefferson Gr. of Virga.”

Lee’s letter was dated 20 Dec., q.v.; see also TJ to Harrison, 23 Dec. 1779.

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