To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Sim Lee, 20 December 1779
From Thomas Sim Lee
In Council Annapolis 20th. Decr. 1779
The enclosed is a Copy of Intelligence, this Moment received by this Board, from his Excellency the Chevalier De la Luzerne. We have taken the speediest Method of conveying it to your Excellency, under an Impression of the Propriety of giving you the earliest Intimation of the Design of the Enemy.
We have the Honor to be &ca.
FC (MdAA). Enclosure missing; see, however, La Luzerne to Gov. Lee, Philadelphia, 12 Dec. 1779, enclosing a (missing) report of a British naval threat to Vaudreuil’s squadron in the Chesapeake (Md. Archives, xliii, 383–4). See TJ to Benjamin Harrison, 23 Dec., transmitting the original of Lee’s letter, and TJ to Thomas Sim Lee, 26 Dec. 1779.