Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to the Board of Trade, 6 November 1779

To the Board of Trade

In Council Nov. 6. 1779

It is recommended to the board of trade to settle the expences of Capt. LeMaire stated in this account, and those incurred from his arrival at Boston until the 10th. instant.

Th: Jefferson

RC (CSmH); written on the final page of the account submitted: “Etat des Depenses faites en france par le Capitaine Le Maire a l’occasion de la Mission dont il a été chargé par L’Etat de la Virginíe,” signed by Le Maire and dated “A Williamsbourg le 2. Octobre 1779”; 3 p. (including both the account and the letter).

See Board of Trade to TJ, 9, 13 Nov.; TJ to Board of Trade, 912 Nov.; also TJ to Benjamin Harrison, 29 Oct. 1779.

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