Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Patrick Henry, 19 December 1776

From Patrick Henry

Decr. 19th. 1776


In Pursuance of a Resolution of the Legislature, I am to appoint a fit Person in every County to collect from the Inhabitants of this Commonwealth all the blankets and rugs they are willing to spare for the Use of the Soldiery. I have to beg of you, Sir, to accept of that Appointment for your County, and to draw upon me for the Amount of the Purchase. When it is considered that those who are defending our Country are in the extremest Want of Blankets, and that our Army cannot take the Field without a Supply of that Article, I have Hopes that our worthy Countrymen will spare from their Beds a Part of that Covering which the exposed Situation of the Soldier teaches him to expect from the Humanity of those for whom he is to fight. From your Zeal for the publick Service, I have the Pleasure to hope for your Exertion to forward this important Business, and send what Blankets you get to me.

I am, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant,

P. Henry Jr.

Printed letter, with autograph signature and date added (MeHi). Endorsed by TJ: “rec’d. Jan. 28. 1777.”

The resolution for appointing a person in each county to collect blankets for the troops was agreed to on 6 Dec. 1776 (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) description ends , Oct. 1776, 1828 edn., p. 84).

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