From Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Henry, [16 July 1776]
To Patrick Henry
[16 July 1776]
Dear Sir
The inclosed letter from the President was directed before he knew of your being invested with the office of Governor: you will therefore please to open it. After congratulating you on your appointment and hoping every thing favourable from our new institutions I subscribe myself Dr. Sir Your very humble servt.,
Th: Jefferson
RC (The Rosenbach Co., Philadelphia, 1946). Endorsed: “Virginia Delegates July 16. 1776 inclosing a Resolution to take into Continental possesn [th]e Forts at the Mouths of Whealng & the Great Kannaway & the fort at Pittsburg.” Enclosure missing.
The enclosure embodied the resolution of Congress of 11 July relative to the Virginia forts and garrisons on the Ohio (v, 542).