Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Henry, [16 July 1776]

To Patrick Henry

[16 July 1776]

Dear Sir

The inclosed letter from the President was directed before he knew of your being invested with the office of Governor: you will therefore please to open it. After congratulating you on your appointment and hoping every thing favourable from our new institutions I subscribe myself Dr. Sir Your very humble servt.,

Th: Jefferson

RC (The Rosenbach Co., Philadelphia, 1946). Endorsed: “Virginia Delegates July 16. 1776 inclosing a Resolution to take into Continental possesn [th]e Forts at the Mouths of Whealng & the Great Kannaway & the fort at Pittsburg.” Enclosure missing.

The enclosure embodied the resolution of Congress of 11 July relative to the Virginia forts and garrisons on the Ohio (JCC description begins Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington, D.C., 1904–37, 34 vols. description ends , v, 542).

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