To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 10 November 1792
From Tench Coxe
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, November 10, 1792. Encloses “for the purpose of submission to the President, two contracts between the Superintendent of the light House at New London and Daniel Harris and Nathl. Richards.”1 Discusses the cost of the contract. States that he has sent a circular letter to the superintendents of the lighthouses “calculated to draw from them a report comprehending all the material facts in regard to their construction, present condition and past and present supplies and management, with a view to embracing by general measures cheaper and better supplies.”2
LC, RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives.
1. Copies of these contracts may be found in RG 26, Lighthouse Deeds and Contracts, National Archives.
2. Coxe is referring to his circular to the superintendents of the lighthouses, dated October 23, 1792. In this circular Coxe requested answers to thirty-five questions concerning the construction and maintenance of the lighthouses under their supervision (LC, RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives).