Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 18 August 1792

To George Washington1

Philadelphia Aug 18. 1792


I am happy to be able, at length, to send you, answers to the objections, which were communicated in your letter of the 29th of July.

They have unavoidably been drawn in haste, too much so, to do perfect justice to the subject, and have been copied just as they flowed from my heart and pen, without revision or correction. You will observe, that here and there some severity2 appears. I have not fortitude enough always to hear with calmness, calumnies, which necessarily include me, as a principal Agent in the measures censured, of the falsehood of which, I have the most unqualified consciousness. I trust that I shall always be able to3 bear, as I ought, imputations of error of Judgment; but I acknowlege that I cannot be intirely patient under charges, which impeach the4 integrity of my public motives or conduct. I feel, that I merit them in no degree; and expressions of indignation sometimes escape me, in spite of every effort to suppress them. I rely on your goodness for the proper allowances.

With high respect and the most affectionate attachment, I have the honor to be,   Sir   Your most Obedient   & humble servant

Alexander Hamilton

The President of The United States

ALS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; ADf, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1H made several additions and deletions in both this letter and its enclosure. When such changes altered either the emphasis or the substance of H’s remarks, they have been indicated in footnotes. On the other hand, changes which were designed to make the style more felicitous have not been noted.

2In the draft at this point H wrote and crossed out “has been deserved indulged.”

3In the draft at this point H wrote and crossed out “submit properly to.”

4In the draft at this point H wrote and crossed out “purity.”

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