Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Samuel Gerry, 18 August 1792

To Samuel Gerry

Treasury Department
August 18th 1792


Your Letter of the 28 Ultimo1 was duly received. If it should appear to you that the former ad-measurements of Vessels have been materially inaccurate, read-measurements may be made. This, however, will not affect any thing past.

A Thermometer was sent to you in March 1791. Inquiry will be made by what opportunity it was transmitted. In the mean time I should be glad to be informed whether none has come to hand.

I am, Sir,   Your obedt. Servt.

Alex. Hamilton

Samuel R. Gerry Esqr

LC, Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts.

1Letter not found. See, however, H to Gerry, July 11, 1792.

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