To Alexander Hamilton from William Seton, 3 August 1792
From William Seton
Bank of New York
3rd. Augt. 1792.
I am honoured with a letter from your Department of the 1st, inst. respecting the payments that have been made thro’ this Institution by your desire to Messrs. Beach & Canfield1—the only sums paid to them were 4350 Dollars on the 29th May & 3630 92/100 on the 29th. June
Agreeably to your desire no further payments shall be made to them till I receive your special Direction.2
I have the honour to be with the greatest respect sir Your obedt. humble servt
Alex Hamilton Esqr.
Secretary of the Treasury of the United states
LC, Bank of New York, New York City.
1. Nathaniel Beach and Abiel Canfield of Newark, New Jersey, had contracted to supply the Army with shoes. See William Seton to H, May 28, June 3, 1792.
2. On August 8, 1792, an explanatory note from the comptroller’s office was sent to Joseph Nourse, register of the Treasury, which reads as follows:
“The within balance as stated by the Auditor Admitted with the following alteration that instead of the debit for monies received of the Bank of New York which is rejected the within named Nathaniel Beach & Abiel Canfield be debited with a warrant on the Treasurer in their favour dated August 8th 1792 for the sum of seven thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars and ninety two cents leaving the same balance as is within stated by the Auditor of the Treasury” (LS, RG 217, Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts, 1790–1814, Account No. 2835, National Archives).