Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William Seton, 28 May 1792

From William Seton

[New York] 28th May 1792


I am honourd with your Letter of the 24th.1 & have informed Messrs. Beach & Canfield,2 that I will pay them the sum of 4350 Dollars upon their producing the receipt of Melancton Smith Esq.3 for 5299 pair of Shoes—their receipt shall be worded as you direct.

I have now the honor to enclose the necessary Certificates for transferring the Stock I purchased as Agent for the United States4 from the Books of the Commissioner of Loans to those of the Treasury vizt

Certificate N. 104. for 86790.⁶⁵⁄₁₀₀ —6 ⅌ Cents
Certificate N. 100 for 42409 ²²⁄₁₀₀ —3 ⅌ Cents
Certificate N. 297 for 14282.³¹⁄₁₀₀ —3 ⅌ Cents
Certificate N. 105. for 12361 ³¹⁄₁₀₀ —Deferred Debt
Certificate N. 295. for 36108 ⁵⁄₁₀₀ —Deferred Debt
Making in the whole 86790.65. —6 ⅌ Cents
56691.53. —3 ⅌ Cents
48469.35 —Deferred

Agreeably to the returns I had the honor to make to you of the purchase by your orders on the 5th May instant.5

I am with the greatest respect   Sir   Your Obd Hble Serv

LC, Bank of New York, New York City.

1Letter not found.

2Nathaniel Beach and Abiel Canfield of Newark, New Jersey, furnished shoes for the Army.

3Melancton Smith, who had been an Antifederalist member of the New York Assembly in the session from January to April, 1792, had a contract with the Government for supplying the troops at West Point.

4See H to Seton, March 25, 26, 30, April 4, 12, 1792.

5For Seton’s account, dated May 5, 1792, see H to Seton, May 10, 1792, note 1.

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