From Alexander Hamilton to Rufus King, 8 July 1791
To Rufus King
[Philadelphia] July 8. 1791
My Dear Sir
I received your letter1 on a certain subject and was obliged by it. But there was nothing practicable by way of remedy.
The thing, as it has turned out, though good in the main, has certainly some ill sides. There have also been faults in the detail, which are not favourable to complete satisfaction. But what shall we do? ‘Tis the lot of every thing human to mingle a portion of ill with the good.
The President as you will have seen has returned. His journey has done good, as it regards his own impressions. He is persuaded that the dispositions of the Southern people are good; and that certain pictures which have been drawn have been strongly colored by the imaginations of the Drawers.
We have just heared from the Westward; but of no event of importance. Things are said to have been in good preparation; The People of Kentuke wonderfully pleased with the Government: And Scot with a Corps of ardent Volunteers, on their route to demolish every savage man, woman and Child.2
On Tuesday next, I expect to leave this for New York with Mrs. Hamilton.
Sincerely Yrs.
A Hamilton
R King Esqr.
ALS, New-York Historical Society, New York City.
1. This letter has not been found. It may, however, be the extract quoted by H in his letter to George Washington of March 27, 1791. For this extract see King to H, March 24, 1791.
2. Indian relations had deteriorated steadily in the Northwest Territory, and Congress in March, 1791, voted money for a major campaign against the Indians of the Maumee and Wabash valleys. As part of this campaign Governor Arthur St. Clair approved a march on the Wabash by Brigadier General Charles Scott, Virginia commandant of Kentucky, with three thousand mounted Kentucky militiamen.