From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, 27 March 1791
To George Washington
[Philadelphia] March 27, 1791. “I have embraced the first moment of leisure to execute your wish, on the subject to which the enclosed notes are applicable. They are neither so accurate nor so full, as I should have been glad to make them; but they are all that my situation has permitted. Nothing new has occurred in my Department worth mentioning. I thought that the following extract of a letter from Mr. King might not be wholly uninteresting, and I therefore make it.…1 The clue to Mr. Taylors apprehensions seems to be a late murder of some friendly indians within the limits of this State;2 the particulars of which I take it for granted will be made known to you by the Secretary at War.”
LC, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. For this extract, see Rufus King to H, March 24, 1791.
2. This is a reference to the murder by white men of four friendly Indians at Big Beaver Creek. An entry in the executive minutes of Governor Thomas Mifflin for April 23, 1791, describes this incident as follows: “The Governor having received information upon oath that four friendly Indians were murdered on the Ninth of March last by a body of armed men, under the Command of Samuel Brady and Francis McGuire, who had fled from Justice into the State of Virginia addressed His Excellency Beverly Randolph Esquire upon the subject and required that the above named two persons should be delivered up to this State having jurisdiction of their crime according to the Provisions contained in the second Section of the fourth Article of the Constitution of the United States” ( , I, 89).