Account with John B. Church, 1 May 1791
Account with John B. Church1
[Philadelphia] May 1, 1791. A record of Hamilton’s administration of Church’s affairs “as ⅌ Account transmitted J B Church.… Dates not to be relied on. Entry having been subsequently made for memorandum.”
ADS, Mr. Sol Feinstone, Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania.
1. Church, who had come to the United States at the time of the American Revolution, had married Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth Hamilton’s older sister. During the Revolution, Church had acquired a fortune from his contracts for supplying the American army and from his activities with Jeremiah Wadsworth in supplying the French forces in America. When he returned to England after the Revolution, he left his American business concerns in the hands of H. This account is substantially the same as the accounts printed in H’s “Cash Book,” March 1, 1782–1791.