From Alexander Hamilton to James Madison, [27 June 1788]
To James Madison
[Poughkeepsie, New York, June 27, 1788]
My Dr. Sir
A day or two ago General Schuyler at my request sent forward to you an express with an account of the adoption of the Constitution by New Hampshire.1 We eagerly wait for further intelligence from you, as our only chance of success depends on you. There are some slight symptoms of relaxation in some of the leaders; which authorises a gleam of hope, if you do well; but certainly I think not otherwise.
Friday Morning
June 27. 1788
June 27. 1788
AL[S], James Madison Papers, Library of Congress.
1. New Hampshire ratified the Constitution on June 21 (see John Langdon to H, June 21, 1788). On June 24, Philip Schuyler, writing for H, forwarded the news to Madison (ALS, James Madison Papers, Library of Congress).