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127th. (Adams Papers)
The day was spent like the preceding ones. There was some company here in the afternoon. I give...
A day or two ago General Schuyler at my request sent forward to you an express with an account of...
This day put an end to the existence of our Convention. The inclosed is a copy of the Act of...
Mel Smith Powers ought to be precisely defined— Peculiarly so in a government of the particular...
The hon. Mr. Hamilton . This is one of those subjects, Mr. Chairman, on which objections very...
It is more natural to the Mind of man to examine the Powers by which money is to be taken from...
It is natural to suspect such a power—of money—more than necessity of govt. Men predjudiced. Have...
8[Diary entry: 27 June 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 27th. Thermometer at 62 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 66 at Night. A brisk So. Wt. Wind...
The Convention came to a final adjournment to day. The inclosed is a copy of their act of...
On my Arrival from an annual Tour my Affairs compel me to take over the Susquahanna I have the...