From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Clement Biddle, [16 September 1780]
To Colonel Clement Biddle
[Bergen County, New Jersey, September 16, 1780]
D Sir
There is to be an interview at Elizabeth Town the 19th. between General Lincoln General Philips,1 The British & American Commissaries of Prisoners. You will endeavour to provide them, with forage, and for this purpose if you please, take the directions of General Lincoln.
Yr Obed serv.
A Hamilton Aide De Camp
ALS, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
1. Major General Benjamin Lincoln had been taken prisoner at Charleston, South Carolina, May 12, 1780. He was attempting to work out a plan for his own exchange. On September 10, 1780, Washington wrote to Lincoln: “it will give me the highest pleasure if You can effect your exchange either for Major General [William] Phillips or Major General de Reidesel” (George Washington Papers, Library of Congress).