Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [16 May 1772]
Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with
Alexander Hamilton1
[St. Croix, May 16, 1772]
1059. Ann Ventons quittance ved Hammilton for 45 rdr.2 contant og et oxehoved sucker of 16de maij 1772.
D, Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324, receipt no. 1059, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen.
1. The translation reads as follows: “1059. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 16th of May 1772 with Hamilton for 45 rigs-dollars cash and a hogshead of sugar.”
Ann Lytton Venton, the daughter of James and Ann Lytton, was H’s cousin. Her mother was the sister of H’s mother, Rachel Lavien. In 1759 Ann Lytton married John Kirwan Venton. After his death she married George Mitchell. Ramsing states that a friendship developed between the cousins, and H became her middleman when she cashed the advanced payments of her inheritance (May 23, 1772, and May 3, 26, and June 3, 1773. These documents were found on Thomas Lillie’s plantation in a wooden chest that had been sealed on his death. The chest was opened on February 6, 1776, and the documents were registered at that time.
). This document is one of the receipts for these payments. For others see2. Rixdaller or rigsdaler, a Danish dollar equal in value to a piece of eight.