To Benjamin Franklin from Louis Filleul: A Wedding Invitation, [on or before 30 September 1777]
From Louis Filleul: A Wedding Invitation3
D: American Philosophical Society
[On or before September 30, 1777]
M [blank in MS]
Monsieur FILLEUL a l’honneur de vous faire part de son Mariage, avec Mademoiselle BOQUET, et vous prie d’assister à la Bénediction Nuptiale, qui leur sera donnée Mercredi premier Octobre 1777, à cinq heures du matin, à Passy.
Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur de francklin / en sa Maison / a Passy
3. Or, more strictly speaking, an invitation to attend the blessing of the marriage; the wedding itself is said to have taken place on Sept. 22. The bride, Anne-Rosalie Boquet, was a beautiful and talented young artist; the groom, a widower with three children, was a minor member of the King’s household. Mme. Filleul painted BF’s portrait, probably in 1778, and became a good friend. Félix Bouvier, “Une Concierge de Passy en l’An II,” Société historique d’Auteuil et de Passy Bulletin, V (1905–06), 110–28; Lopez, Mon Cher Papa, pp. 227–30.