The Commissioners to Canada to Philip Schuyler, 4 May 1776
The Commissioners to Canada to Philip Schuyler
LS: Yale University Library
Montreal May 4th 1776
Having orders from Congress to enquire into the case of John Fraser Esqr. now prisoner at Osopus, we have thought proper to direct the Commanding Officer there to allow him to repair hither, on his parole to present himself before us immediately on his arrival.4 We desire you to give the necessary orders for this purpose. We are with great regard, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servants
B Franklin
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Saml. Chase
Philip Schuyler Esqr. Major Genl.
Addressed: On the service / of the United Colonies / To / The Honorable Philip Schuyler Esqr. / Major General of / the Continental Forces / Tionderoga / Franked: Free
Endorsed: Montreal May 4th: 1776 From Commissioners. Benj. Franklin.
4. For Fraser see the commissioners’ instructions above, March 20. The commander whom the commissioners addressed at Esopus (Kingston, N.Y.) was probably Col. Cornelius D. Wynkoop. He had been in charge of officers captured at Montreal until Congress had them removed to New Jersey, and was still at Kingston in late April. JCC, IV, 81; Force, 4 Amer. Arch., V, 1053. The commissioners’ directive was apparently not carried out because of the American retreat, and Fraser was eventually transferred to Reading, Pa. See his letters below, Aug. 24, Oct. 15.