The Commissioners to Canada to Philip Schuyler, 1 May 1776
The Commissioners to Canada to Philip Schuyler
ALS: Robert B. Gillespie, Lake Forest, Ill. (1973)5
Montreal, May 1. 1776
Dear Sir,
We arrived here on Monday last, and have proceeded to Business, as you will see by the enclosed Letter to Congress,6 which we leave open for your Perusal, and request you will seal and forward it.
We are deeply impress’d with a Sense of the many Civilities we received from you and your good Family,7 and your kind Attention to every thing that might render our Passage over the Lakes as convenient to us as possible. Accept our thankful Acknowledgements, and make them acceptable to Mrs. Schuyler. With the greatest Esteem and Respect we have the Honour to be Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servants
B Franklin
Saml. Chase
Ch. Carroll of Carrollton
Mr. John Carrol joins in Compliments and best Wishes.
Honble. General Schuyler
5. The MS, in BF’s hand, is now in the Dallas Public Library.
6. The preceding document.
7. The civilities extended over a ten-day period. Schuyler met the commissioners at Albany on April 7 and took them to dinner with his wife and two attractive daughters. The next day they all left by carriage, with Gen. Thomas, for the Schuylers’ country seat at Saratoga, where the commissioners remained until the 16th. Carroll, Journal, pp. 42–6.