From Benjamin Franklin to William Franklin, 15 March 1773
To William Franklin
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress
London, March 15. 1773
Dear Son,
I wrote you pretty largely by Capt. All, and sent you sundry things, particularly the plated Boiler you wrote for.5 I have nothing to add, but to let you know I continue well. Enclos’d I send you the Boston Pamphlet with my Preface.6 I grow tired of my Situation here, and really think of Returning in the Fall. My Love to Betsey. I am ever Your affectionate Father
B Franklin
5. For the tea urn see BF’s letter above, Feb. 14.
6. The preface to the town meeting’s declaration in Votes and Proceedings is printed above under the end of February. BF, as mentioned in the headnote there, did not publish the pamphlet in London until June, but sent it to America months before; WF and Galloway (see the next document) were receiving two of these advance copies.