From Benjamin Franklin to William Franklin, 3 March 1773
To William Franklin
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress
London, Mar. 3. 1773
Dear Son
I wrote to you largely by Capt. All, and sent you several Books, some Seeds, &c mentioned in my Letter, and one thing more, viz. a plated Tea Boiler, of Bolton’s make, which I hope will prove good and please. I have not yet got the Bill. I have since receiv’d yours of Jan. 5. which I shall answer largely by next Opportunity, which I suppose will be Sutton. The India Company have petition’d Parliament to take off the Duty on Tea to America. Inclos’d is Mr. Small’s Letter which by Accident was omitted to be sent by Capt. All.6 I can now only add Love to Betsey, and that I am ever, Your affectionate Father
B Franklin
Ohio Grant has not yet got the Seals. The Peas I sent you are called the Penshurst Peas. They are much valued as great Bearers, and hardy to stand the Winter.
6. For the seeds, the tea urn, and Small’s letter see BF to WF above, Feb. 14; for the East India Company petition see BF to Galloway of the same date.