To Benjamin Franklin from William Hunter, [July? 1772]
From William Hunter5
AL: American Philosophical Society
Wind Mill Street. Sunday. [July ?, 17726]
Dr. Hunter’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin. He has some preparations which he intends giving away, and if they would be acceptable to Dr. Franklin, he should be glad to see him any morning (except tuesday) from 8 to 10 or 11. for a few minutes.
Addressed: To Dr Franklin / Craven Street
5. For the background of this letter see Dr. Hunter’s stipulations about his expiring partnership with William Hewson: above, XVIII, 211.
6. BF later referred to this note as having been written “some time last Summer.” To Hunter below, Oct. 30, 1772. We are assigning it to July as the earliest likely month, but in that case it was probably not written before Sunday the 19th, by which time Hunter might well have heard of BF’s return the previous week from his trip to the north.