To Benjamin Franklin from William Hunter, [30 November 1757]
From William Hunter
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Wednesday Morne [Nov. 30, 1757]3
Dear Sir,
If convenient, I should be oblig’d to you for three or four Hundred Pound Draughts on your Banker. My Sister wants one of Twenty Pound; for Marketting. Yours,
Wm. Hunter
Addressed: To / Mr. Franklin4
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
3. On Dec. 1, 1757, BF noted payments of £400 and £20 in accordance with Hunter’s request below. “Account of Expences,” p. 7; PMHB, LV (1931), 105.
4. On another part of the cover sheet BF wrote “Latin Drinking Song.” Diligent research reveals no connection between Hunter’s letter and such an (unidentified) song.