Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Rebecca Haydock, 20 [July?] 1772

From Rebecca Haydock

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia 20th Inst. [July? 20,1 1772]

Doctor Franklin

I am sorry the Silk I have sent will not answer the intend porpose as its out of the common way of trade. I shall be satisfied in haveing it Manufacturd according to the proposal provided its the coular of the pattren.2 I am sorry to have giving so much trouble but as my kinde Neighbour Docter Franklin is pleas to advise I therefore leave it intirely to you. I think myself greatly Honnour’d an Obliged in receiveing so great a favour from a Gentleman and one so far my soperier, that I may Presume to hope of haveing the pleasure at thy return of thanking the in Person and am with respectful Esteem thy assurd Friend

Rebecca Haydock

Addressed: Dr / Benjaman / Franklin / These

1This was, we believe, the enclosure that DF mentioned a few weeks later; see her letter below under Aug. 6. If we are correct, the most likely meaning of “Inst.” is July; about the year there is no question.

2The “porpose” was undoubtedly outlined in the directions, now missing, that she had sent with the silk. BF had acknowledged them in his reply of Feb. 5, and explained why he had not carried them out but had made other arrangements for manufacture.

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