Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Rebecca Haydock, 5 February 1772: extract

To Rebecca Haydock

Extract: reprinted from The Aurora, August 24, 1802

London, Feb. 5. 1772.

I received my industrious young friend’s parcel of silk, and should very willingly have taken any necessary care to see it manufactured agreeable to your directions; but your relation, Mrs. Foster, linen draper of Bishopsgate street, who appears a notable clever woman in business, called upon me for it; and informing me that she had a friend in Spitalfields a manufacturer, who would do it in the best manner, I delivered the silk with the pattern to her, and I dare say she will forward it to you by the first opportunity after it is finished.1 I hope it will please you as much as I shall be pleased to see any of my young country women at my return dressed in silk of their own raising. I am, my good neighbor, Your assured friend and humble servant,

B. Franklin.

My respects to your good father.
Miss Haydock

1Mrs Sarah Foster (BF also spelled the name Forster) was a relative by marriage of Rebecca’s mother. The silk was not finally finished until November, or sent until the following February; BF then forwarded it himself to Richard Bache. See below, BF to DF, Nov. 4, 19; to Rebecca Haydock, Feb. 14, 1773.

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