From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 2 October 1765
To Deborah Franklin
ALS: American Philosophical Society
London, Oct. 2. 1765
My dear Child,
I wrote largely to you to go per Robinson, but Mr. Evans by whom I sent the Packet, was left behind: he will however deliver it to you with this.2 I sent you several Things in Robinson, of which that Letter will give you an Account. I am well, and as ever, Your affectionate Husband
B Franklin
P S. In Mr. Evans’s Care I now send you a very handsome Pair of Tongs, and Pair of Fireshovels. One of the Shovels is to take up Coals clear of Ashes, letting them pass thro’. I hope they will come in Time for your Winter Fires. They are well polish’d and Case harden’d.
Addressed: To / Mrs. Franklin / Philadelphia / per favour of / the Revd Mr. Evans
2. For the Rev. Nathaniel Evans, who was returning to Philadelphia after having been ordained an Anglican minister in the summer of 1765, see above, X, 422–3 n. The Prince George, Capt. Robinson, and the Mary and Elizabeth, Capt. Sparks, on which Evans sailed, were both reported at Portsmouth on Oct. 7, 1765, and both arrived in Philadelphia during the last week of December. Pa. Gaz., Dec. 19, 1765, Jan. 2, 1766; below, p. 420. DF acknowledged receiving goods by Robinson and by Sparks on Jan. 12, 1766. APS.