From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 23 August 1765
To Deborah Franklin
ALS: American Philosophical Society
London, Augt 23. 1765.
My dear Child
I cannot let Major Small4 go without a Line to let you know I am well; tho’ I have wrote so much lately, that I have nothing to add.
I sent you a small Box of Tea per Capt. Budden.
My Love to Sally and all Friends. I wrote to always every Body by Budden, enclosing my Letters in a Packet to you. They were in the Care of Mr. Logan.5 Adieu my dear Debby Your affectionate Husband
B Franklin
Addressed: To / Mrs Franklin / Philadelphia / per favour of /Majr Small
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
4. Above, p. 42 n.
5. James Logan, Jr. (above, p. 97 n), was apparently now returning to Philadelphia. Pa. Gaz., Oct. 31, 1765, reported the arrival of the Philadelphia Packet, Capt. R. Budden.