To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Bernard, 9 April 1764
From Francis Bernard
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library
Boston, Ap 9. 1764
I am favoured with yours of the 28th of March2 and have ordered £12 12s. philadelphia currency to be paid to Mr. Williams for which I am obliged to you. The present state of the College here makes it more expedient to send my Son to philadelphia: but I am desirous he may be boarded where he may be under a proper restraint. I have heard that Dr. Ellison3 takes boarders: I should like to have him with the Doctor for whom I have a great regard: I should be obliged to you if you would speak to him if it is proper, and let me know his answer. Give me leave to trouble you to send the inclosed by the first Vessel bound for Madeira.4 I am &c.
B Franklin Esqr.
2. See above, pp. 133–4.
3. For Francis Alison, vice-provost of the College of Philadelphia, see above, IV, 470 n.
4. Apparently a letter to a mercantile house at Madeira; see below, p. 178.