Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Francis Bernard, 28 March 1764

To Francis Bernard

Photostat of ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Philada. March 28. 1764


I am favour’d with yours of the 17th.5 with the Letters return’d concerning Sturgeon.6 I lately sent you a good Receipt for Pickling, which I hope got to hand.7 I shall forward your Son’s Letter to Mr. Johnston.8 Enclos’d is one I received a few Days since from that Gentleman.9 I paid his Order, as you will see by the Receipt. Please to pay the Sum, £12 12s. 0d. Pensilva Money to Mr. Jonathan Williams, who has acknowledg’d the Receipt of the former.1

At our College here, they have not yet got into the Collegiate Way of living that was intended in the new Building,2 so that our Scholars still lodge and board in private Houses; the Expence I understand is about £40 per Ann, for Diet, Lodging, Washing, Mending, and Tuition. I know not when the other Method will be entred upon, nor can the Expence yet be ascertain’d. My Respectful Compliments to Mrs. Bernard, in which my Daughter joins, and to your Son. With great Respect, I am, Your Excellency’s most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

Governor Barnard

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5Not found.

6It is not clear what these letters were. For BF and Bernard’s correspondence about a method of pickling sturgeon, see above, pp. 31–2, 87–8.

7Not found.

8George Johnston, a lawyer at whose estate of “Belvale” near Alexandria, Va., Bernard’s son, Francis, stayed during December 1763; see above, X, 410 n.

9Not found.

1Williams acknowledged receiving £7 11s.d. sterling from Bernard on April 10, 1764; on Feb. 28, 1764, he had acknowledged receiving £24 1s.d. from the governor. See above, X, 359–60, and this volume, p. 88 n.

2The “New Building” of the College of Philadelphia, erected with funds procured by William Smith on his tour abroad, was fitted up in part for the accommodation of students during the latter part of 1764 and was opened for occupancy that winter with Ebenezer Kinnersley (above, IV, 192 n) in charge. Montgomery, Hist. Univ. Pa., pp. 443–7.

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