From Benjamin Franklin to William Parsons, 3 May 1757
To William Parsons
ALS: American Philosophical Society
New York, May 3. 1757
Dear Friend,
I have just time to bid you Farewell; and to acquaint you, that Mr. Nugent9 is at present in the Service in Ireland, but ’tis thought the Regiment he belongs to, will be one of those ordered to America with the expected Fleet. He is a Relation of Col. Bradstreet’s;1 who is daily expected here, and tis said can give me the best Account of Nugent. If I learn any thing farther before I sail, I will acquaint you with it. I am, Dear Friend, Yours affectionately
B Franklin
Wm Parsons Esqr
Addressed (mostly cut off): Free B F[RANKLIN]
Endorsed: May 3d 1757 B. Franklin Richard Nugent
Mr. Franklin’s Letter concerning Richd. Nugent2
9. On Richard Nugent, lieutenant in the 15th (Amherst’s) Regiment of Foot, ordered to America in December 1757, see above, VI, 492 n.
1. On Col. John Bradstreet, see above, VI, 473–4 n.
2. In a letter to Timothy Horsfield, June 13, 1757 (APS), Parsons mentions receiving this letter.