From Benjamin Franklin to William Parsons, 22 February 1757
To William Parsons
ALS: American Philosophical Society
Philada. Feb. 22. 1757
Dear Friend
I thank you for the Intelligence from Fort Allen, relating to the Indians.4
The Commissioners have not yet settled your Account, but I will press them to do it immediately.5
I have not yet heard from Mr. Stephenson but will write to him once more.6
And now, my dear old Friend, I am to take Leave of you, being order’d home to England by the Assembly, to obtain some final Settlement of the Points that have occasioned so many unhappy Disputes. I assure you I go with the sincerest Desire of procuring Peace, and therein I know I shall have your Prayers for my Success.7 God bless you, and grant that at my Return I may find you well and happy.8 I am, as ever, Dear Friend, Yours affectionately
B Franklin
William Parsons Esqr
Endorsed: Feb: 1757 Mr. Franklin’s Farewell Letter, mentioning his Acct. not being settled by the Comrs.
4. No such letter from Parsons to BF has been found, but on February 23 one from Capt. Jacob Arndt (Orndt) commanding officer at Ft. Allen, to Parsons, Feb. 18, 1757, telling of Teedyuscung’s proposal for another treaty at Easton, was read in Council. Pa. Col. Recs., VII, 429.
5. No record of settlement appears in the commissioners’ accounts.
6. See above, VI, 492–3, and below, p. 206, for BF’s effort to help Parsons collect a debt through James Stevenson of Albany.
7. As Parsons was an adherent of the proprietary party, BF phrased this sentence in a way to be unobjectionable to his old friend.
8. Parsons died Dec. 17, 1757.