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Major Funders of the Founding Fathers Projects
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the National Endowment for the Humanities have provided Federal funds for the editorial work of the Founding Fathers Papers.
Major funding has been provided by:
The Packard Humanities Institute
which also funds the Franklin Digital Edition
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Ford Foundation
Time-Life Inc.
Lyn and Norman Lear Fund
Florence Gould Foundation
Henry Luce in the name of Life Magazine
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
The New York Times
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
Mrs. Martin S. Davis
Richard Gilder
Thomas A. Saunders III
Janemarie D. and Donald A. King, Jr.
Alice Handy and Peter Stoudt
Harlan Crow
Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Longley, Jr.
Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation
We gratefully acknowledge all gifts from individuals and foundations
supporting the Founding Fathers Papers.
Editorial projects have been sponsored by:
The University of Virginia
Princeton University
Massachusetts Historical Society
Columbia University
Yale University
American Philosophical Society
University of Chicago
Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello