George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, May 1774

Cash Accounts

[May 1774]

May 13— To Cash recd from Mr Hunter Rent1 [£] 10. 0.0
To Ditto won at Cards2 1. 0.0
17— To Ditto recd of Doctr [James] Carter—a yrs Intt of his Bond3 10.16.0
To Ditto recd from Colo. Andw Lewis on acct of his Land under the Proclamation of 1754 10. 9.9
18— To Cash won at Cards 2.10.0
20— To Ditto recd from Mr Frans Whiting on acct of Rent4 40. 0.0
23— To Ditto won at Cards 1.10.0
May  1— By 5 Barrls of Tarr @ 10/5 2.10.0
By Cash given away 3. 0.0
2— By Ditto paid Bishops wife laying Betty at the Ferry 0.10.0
3— By Clemt Trig for 4 days hire of Mr Claggits Flat @ 18/ Md Cy pr day to bring stone from Aquia for Steps6 2.17.7
4— By a pair of Shoes for Will 0. 7.6
By Ditto for Austin7 0. 7.6
By Exps. gettg my Carriage to Maryld8 0.18.0
By Servants 0. 1.6
9— By Cash paid William Roberts9 20. 0.0
10— By Ditto paid Mr Thos Triplett10 22. 7.6
By Ditto paid Mr Custis 12. 0.0
11— By Ditto paid Thos Armat Sadler11 1. 3.1
12— By Ditto paid Caleb Stone 12. 0.0
By Servants 0. 1.3
By Exps. at Dumfries 0. 9.8
By Ferriages at Mr [James] Hunters 0. 5.0
13— By Cash pd Ditto for a years Ferriage12 0.10.0
By Cash paid my Mother 10. 0.0
By Shoes for Giles 0. 7.6
By Expences at Weedon’s 0. 3.9
14— By Servants 0. 1.3
By Exps. at Roys Ordy 0.12.7
15— By Ditto at Todds bridge 0.18.9
By Ditto at Ruffins Ferry Includg 9/ for Ferriage 0.17.3
By Servants 0. 2.0
16— By Club at Mrs [Christiana] Campbells 0. 5.0
By Cash lost at Cards 0.15.0
18— By a Register & Freedom for the Brigantine Farmer13 2. 3.0
By Cash paid for a Watch key 0. 1.6
By Ditto for a Sword Knott 0. 4.6
By Club at Southalls 0. 4.8
By Cash lost at Cards 1.13.0
By Club at Southalls 0. 3.9
19— By a pair of pinching Tongs 0. 4.0
By Barber 0. 6.0
21— By Cash pd Rinds Estate pr William Russells rect14 5.15.9
23— By Coffee &ca 0. 1.3
25— By Mrs Washington 10. 0.0
By Servants 0. 1.3
By hair powder 0. 1.6
26— By my Subscripn to the Burgesses Ball15 1. 0.0
By Mr Thos Lewis, Surveyor of Augusta, for Six Entries in the names of Jno. Posey: 3000 Acs.—Goodrich Crump 200 acres—Marshall Pratt 50 Acres—Robt Scott 50 acres—Jesse Scott 50 acres—& Jno. Poo 50 acres16 0.15.0
27— By Colo. Richd Lee Duty on 4 Pipes Wine17 6.13.4
By Charity 2. 8.0
By Coffee &ca . 1.0
28— By Washing . 2.6
By Postage of Letters . 3.0
By Cash to Mrs Washington 6. 0.0
31— By Ditto paid Mr Waller for his advice 1. 0.0
By Ditto paid Mr Wythe for drawg Deeds from Black & ex[aminin]g his Title Papers &ca18 5. 0.0
By a Patent Fee pd at the Secrty Offe 0.10.619

AD, Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , 110, 112.

1For James Hunter, Sr.’s rental of a portion of the Ferry Farm land, see Fielding Lewis to GW, c.29 Dec. 1772–February 1773, n.1.

2GW won this money “at Fredericksburg.” For an account of his wins and losses at “Cards & other Play,” see Card Playing Expenses, 1772–74, under the date c.1 Jan. 1775. Over two years’ time he sustained a net loss of £6.3.3.

4GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends adds: “on acct of Rent by Mr Thos Whiting ⟨Raise⟩ Acct.” Francis Whiting began renting a 700—acre plantation on Bullskin Run in Berkeley County in 1773. After his death in 1775 his son Henry continued to lease the land until he made a final settlement in 1785 (Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , 113; GW to Battaile Muse, 3 Nov. 1784, n.3).

5In his Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends GW wrote: “Charge Mr Calvert with cash paid James Speier for 15 Barls of Tar @ 12/6 Maryld Curry . . . 9.7.6” and “By Cash for five Barrls of Tarr for me own use . . . 2.10.0.”

6See note 16 in Cash Accounts, April 1774. The stone was from Robert Brent’s quarry at Aquia. Thomas Clagett (1741–1792) was a merchant in Piscataway, Prince George’s County, Maryland. In 1776 he had one free black and fifteen slaves. Clement Trigg (born c.1736) also lived in Prince George’s County.

7Austin may be the dower slave, son of Betty, who was listed at one of the New Kent County plantations in the 1757 inventory. See docs. III-A and III-A–1 in Settlement of the Daniel Parke Custis Estate, 20 April 1759–5 Nov. 1761, Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends , vol. 6. A dower slave of that name was also listed in GW’s 1786 inventory of slaves as one of the “Waiters in the House” at Mount Vernon (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 4:277). In December 1794 GW’s “Mullatoe Man” named Austin died in a “calamitous Accident” near Harford, Md., while on a visit to his wife and children in Baltimore (Herman Stump to GW, 20 Dec. 1794, John Carlyle to GW, 21 Dec. 1794, and GW to William Pearce, 28 Dec. 1794).

8In his Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends GW writes: “By Exps getting my Carr[iag]e out of the River.” GW went to Maryland to visit Benedict Calvert on 5 May and returned to Mount Vernon the next day (ibid., 3:248).

9In his Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends GW indicates that this was “part of his wages.”

10GW paid this money “pr James Oram” (Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends ).

11Thomas Armat was a partner in the firm of Armat & Watson in Alexandria.

12For GW’s yearly payment for the use of James Hunter, Jr.’s ferry, see Cash Accounts, July 1763, n.10.

13Having failed to sell his brigantine, Anne and Elizabeth, and being forced to buy it in himself, GW renamed the craft the Farmer and sent it to the West Indies with flour and fish (see GW to Robert McMickan, 10 May, n.2, and ibid., 240–41). A certificate of registry, or ship’s register, was a document issued by the government to establish the nationality and ownership of the vessel, entitling her to all benefits and privileges of vessels of that nation. A freedom for a ship was a declaration by the governor of where and when the ship was built and that the owners were all Virginians and entitled “to all the Rights Priviledges and Exemptions Granted by Law to all Shipps and Vessells Solely owned by the Inhabitants of Virginia” (4 Hening description begins William Waller Hening, ed. The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619. 13 vols. 1819–23. Reprint. Charlottesville, Va., 1969. description ends 547–48). The secretary’s fee for the freedom was ten shillings in 1734 (ibid., 408).

14Clementina Rind had taken over as the publisher of the Virginia Gazette after the death of her husband, William Rind, in 1773. Clementina Rind herself died in September 1774. William Russell, deputy sheriff of York County, was empowered by the court of York County to dispose of William Rind’s estate (Virginia Gazette [Pinkney; Williamsburg], 29 Sept. 1774).

15The ball, held on the twenty-seventh, was given by the House of Burgesses “to welcome Lady DUNMORE and the rest of our Governour’s Family to Virginia” (Virginia Gazette [Purdie & Dixon; Williamsburg], 26 May 1774).

16GW used most of John Posey’s 3,000–acre warrant to obtain the 2,813acre Millers Run tract in what is now Pennsylvania. The remaining 187 acres in the warrant went toward the acquisition of the Round Bottom tract on the Ohio River. Warrants procured from Goodrich Crump, who was entitled to land as a noncommissioned officer, and from Marshall Pratt, John Poo (Poe), and Jesse and Robert Scott, who had served as private soldiers during the war, make up the remainder of the 587–acre tract. Bartholomew Dandridge was instrumental in the acquisition of at least four of the smaller warrants (Augusta County Surveyors’ Records No. 2, 229, ViStACh). See also Dandridge to GW, 16 Feb. 1774.

17This was probably Richard Henry Lee.

18The Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends adds “Mr Custis” after this entry.

19GW made several notations in his Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends . He noted on 7 May that he was to “Charge the Honble Richd Lee Esqr. of Maryld with 4 Barls Supr fine Flour 844 lbs. Nett @ 2d. & ⟨4⟩ Casks @ 20d.” On 11 May he entered a memorandum listing cash he left with Lund Washington, totaling £350, that “Left in my Iron Chest,” totaling £26.13.6 and that “Carrd with me including Colo. Fairfax⟨’⟩s £277.19,” totaling £352.15.⟨0⟩. GW departed for Williamsburg on 12 May and did not return home until 22 June.

Index Entries