Alexander Hamilton Papers

Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton, [23 May 1772]

Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with
Alexander Hamilton1

[St. Croix, May 23, 1772]

1060. Ann Ventons quittance of 23de maij 1772 rdr. for et oxehovet rum.

D, Christiansteds byfogedarkiv skifteprot: 1769–80, no. 50, fol. 324–25, receipt no. 1060, Rigsarkivet, Copenhagen.

1The translation reads as follows: “1060. Ann Venton’s quittance of the 23 of May 1772 rigsdollar for a hogshead of rum.” For information concerning this receipt, see “Ann Lytton Venton’s Quittance with Alexander Hamilton,” May 16, 1772.

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