1Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 1 September [1819] (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 28 th came to hand yesterday. the engagements for work, as well as I can state...
2Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Memorandum to Thomas Jefferson on Expense of Dormitory Gutters, [ca. 1 September 1819?] (Jefferson Papers)
Memorandum of the expence of one Range of dormitories done with wood—99. feet long— 4972 feet...
3David Howell to Thomas Jefferson, 1 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
The object of this Letter is to introduce to your notice and patronage Mr Nathaniel Helme —the...
4Resolution by Board of Directors of Richmond Branch of Second Bank of the United States, 1 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
Resolved that the Bond & security profered by M r Jefferson will be considred satisfactory— The...
5Joseph Marx to Thomas Jefferson, 2 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I communicated the contents of Your letter under the 24 th Aug , to the Board of Directors of the...
6Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Appleton, 3 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I write to you from an occasional, but very distant residence from Monticello , which place I...
7John Hollins to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 3 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
In consequence of your respects of the 30 th past , I have been at the Custom house where no...
8Enclosure: Account of John Hollins with University of Virginia, [ca. 3 September 1819] (Jefferson Papers)
D r 26 June 1819 To cash—see above receipt 90 30 〃 〃 To D o —passage money D o
9Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 3 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
We have in our employ at the University two Italian sculptors , whom we imported the last spring...
10Thomas Appleton to Thomas Jefferson, 4 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
My last respects, Sir, were under date of the 23 d of August , inclosing the receipt of m r &...
11Edmund Bacon to Thomas Jefferson, 4 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I drop you a few lines to inform you of our affairs here the mill is doing a good business it...
12Arthur S. Brockenbrough to Thomas Jefferson, 4 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I have this moment rec d your two favors of the 29 t & 1 st as I was disappointed in geting a...
13William Daniel to Thomas Jefferson, 4 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
W m Daniel accepts Mr Jefferson ’s invitation for tomorrow RC ( CSmH: JF ); with PoC of TJ to...
14Louis H. Girardin to Thomas Jefferson, 5 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I am pressingly requested to apply to You on the subject which I will immediately mention; and,...
15Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane, 6 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I had read in the Enquirer, and with great approbation the pieces signed Hampden, and have read...
16Archibald Robertson to Thomas Jefferson, 6 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
A Robertson presents his compliments to Mr Jefferson , & will do himself the pleasure to dine...
17Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 9 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I regreted very much indeed that the unfortunate failure of Co l Nicholas and other circumstances...
18Thomas Appleton to Thomas Jefferson, 10 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I now inclose you some letters for the Raggis, as I have learnt from their own hands, of their...
19John Bevan to Thomas Jefferson, 10 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
Having understood that a Painter could be employ’d on the buildings now erecting in...
20Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 10 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of Aug. 11. 27. finds me still here, but on th e eve of my departure for Monticello ....
21Thomas Jefferson to D. Mariano, 10 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of Aug. 7. is just now re c ieved. the Visitors of the University , at their meeting...
22de Bure Frères to Thomas Jefferson, 11 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
nous avons l’honneur de vous prevenir que nous avons expedié a L’adresse de M Beasly les livres...
23Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Invoice of Books from de Bure Frères, 6 September 1819, enclosure no. 1 in de Bure Frères … (Jefferson Papers)
facture des livres remis en une Caisse cordée et emballée en toile grasse et maigre, marquée...
24Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with de Bure Frères, [ca. 11 September 1819], enclosure no. 2 in de Bure Frères to … (Jefferson Papers)
avoir de Monsieur jefferson reçu de trop sur l’année de 1818 203 –75. reçu cette année une...
25Peter Cardelli to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
C’est j’en suis sur un annui que d’ecrire si souvant et Vous étourdire pour un sujet de peu...
26Rowland Reynolds to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I have been absent from Hampton for a few days, during the vacation at the Academy and on my...
27Thomas Cooper to Thomas Jefferson, 13 September 1819 (Jefferson Papers)
I wrote to you at the Bedford Springs of this State , supposing from what I saw in the...
28Editorial Note (Jefferson Papers)
The items below document Jefferson’s response to the insolvency of his friend and close family...
29Plat of Land Deeded to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, document 1 in a group of documents on Jefferson’s Mortgage of Bedford … (Jefferson Papers)
We the subscribers being personally acquainted with the above land are of opinion that it is...
30Bond of Wilson Cary Nicholas, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Jefferson Randolph to the Second Bank of the United States … (Jefferson Papers)
Know all men by these presents that we Wilson Cary Nicholas , Thomas Jefferson , and Thomas...