1John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 18 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I am without any of your favors since that of the 4 th April — Answered the 15 th — on the 25 th...
2Thomas Jefferson to Hugh Chisholm, 18 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
We yesterday got up the wooden frame of our Pier-head compleat, and this morning mr Salmonds...
3John Martin Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 19 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the Honor to Enclose herewith a packet delivered to me at Cagliary by the professor...
4Charles L. Bankhead to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have recieved yours of the 10 June for which both my father and myself render you our gratefull...
5George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I inclose an acc t of the sales of 547 bbls of your flour, together with your acc t current to...
6Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor, 20 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Peter Minor and sends him a bottle of oil of the...
7Robert Wash to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of the 11 th may reached me by the last mail: from which I learn with considerable...
8Thomas Jefferson to William Chamberlayne, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have been longer than I had hoped in getting my produce to market & sold. it now enables me to...
9Thomas Jefferson to Charles Everette, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
My funds lying all in Richmond , I inclose you an order on Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson of that...
10Gideon Granger to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
A few days past I rec’d your note acknowledgeing the receipt of my late list of Post offices,...
11Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of the 20th was recieved yesterday inclosing my account balance 3128.60 and the estimated...
12Thomas Jefferson to James Lyle, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
The process of getting my flour to market from Bedford and this place, and of getting it sold,...
13William McGehee to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
your boy came down today while I was in the woods geting timber for the Sithes with a line...
14George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 27 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have sold your last 54 barrels of flour to W m M c Kenzie at 8.½ & 9$. (5 barrels being fine...
15Edmund M. Blunt to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Permit me to enclose for inspection a copy of the Nautical Almanac for 1812—I confess myself...
16James Chamberlain to Thomas Jefferson, [received 28 June 1811] (Jefferson Papers)
This strange application will, I have no doubt, surprise you, but dire necessity compels me to...
17Benjamin Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I enclose you another Attempt to combat a greater enemy to the prosperity and liberties of the...
18Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 29 June 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of June 18 th is recieved as had been in due time that of Apr. 25. I now inclose you...
19David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 1 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I beg leave to inform you, that the Essex is arrived, and that we expect to sail in the course of...
20Horatio Turpin to Thomas Jefferson, 2 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
This will be handed you by M r W m Harris the Grandson of your Old Acquaintance Col o John Harris...
21Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 3 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have seen with very great concern the late Address of mr Smith to the public. he has been very...
22Robert Rives to Thomas Jefferson, 3 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Under cover you have Invoice of Books which my Son inform’d me you wishd me to order for you from...
23Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to Thomas Jefferson, 4 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
voici le dernier Volume des Œuvres de M r Turgot . vous y verrez parce quil écrivait au docteur...
24George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 4 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I only yesterday received your favor of the 24 th ultimo .—the note however was in time, but had...
25William Duane to Thomas Jefferson, 5 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
By the Mail of this day, I forward you a single copy of the Review of Montesquieu , I hope you...
26John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 6 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Your esteemed fav r 29 th Ult o inclosed Order on Bank of Pensyl a —as well 3 d Bill of Ex— on...
27Thomas Jefferson to Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 8 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved your letter of Mar. 1. by our yesterday’s post and by the it’s return of to-day I...
28Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 8 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I have just recieved your letter of Mar. 12. and learning by our yesterday’s post that mr Barlow...
29James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 8 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 3 d came duly to hand. You will have noticed in the Nat: Intelligencer that the...
30Thomas Jefferson to David Bailie Warden, 8 July 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved your favor of the 1 st by our yesterday’s post and have hastily written the two...