1Editorial Note (Jefferson Papers)
Using the French manuscript that he received from the author in 1809, Jefferson undertook to see...
2Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 12 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Your letter of July 16. has been duly recieved, with the paper it inclosed, for which accept my...
3Destutt de Tracy’s Commentary on Book 2 of Montesquieu’s Esprit des Lois, [ca. 12 June 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
Livre Second: Des Loix qui derivent directement de la Nature du Gouvernement. Esprit des lois...
4Thomas Jefferson’s Translation of Destutt de Tracy’s Commentary on Book 2 of Montesquieu’s Esprit des Lois, [ca. 12 … (Jefferson Papers)
Book II. ‘of laws flowing directly from the nature of the government.’ that there are but two...
5Contemporary Translation of Destutt de Tracy’s Commentary on Book 2 of Montesquieu’s Esprit des Lois, [after 16 … (Jefferson Papers)
BOOK II. of laws originating directly from the nature of the government. There are only two kinds...
6Extracts from Destutt de Tracy’s Reflections on Montesquieu’s First Twelve Books, [ca. 12 June 1809] (Jefferson Papers)
nous trouvons dés le livre second que les gouvernemens viennent tous Se ranger dans deux classes,...
7Jefferson’s Translation of Extracts from Destutt de Tracy’s Reflections on Montesqueiu’s First Twelve Books, [ca. 12 … (Jefferson Papers)
Extracts from the author’s r R eflections on Montesquieu’s 12. first books. ‘I have divided...
8Contemporary Translation of Extracts from Destutt de Tracy’s Reflections on Montesquieu’s First Twelve Books, [after 16 … (Jefferson Papers)
In the second book, we shall perceive, that all governments may be classed under two heads,...
9William C. C. Claiborne to Thomas Jefferson, 13 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to enclose you attested Copies of a Petition to Congress from sundry Inhabitants...
10Henry Dearborn to Thomas Jefferson, 15 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Your friendly & instructive letter has been received and perused with peculier satisfaction &...
11James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 15 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I am offered the Services of a M r Magee , now living with M r Randolph , as an overseer . I have...
12Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 16 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I recieved last night a letter from mr Short dated Liverpool June 19. covering the inclosed...
13Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 16 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of July 14. with the welcome paper it covered, has been most thankfully recieved. I had...
14Louis Philippe Gallot de Lormerie to Thomas Jefferson, 16 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Je Respecte vos occupations, même privées, et garde le Silence. Mais mon véritable autant...
15Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 16 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of yesterday was recieved last night. the M c Gehee who is the subject of it, is an...
16Thomas Jefferson to William Chamberlayne, 17 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Towards the latter end of the last year Col o Tho s M. Randolph informed me he had in his...
17William Duane to Thomas Jefferson, 17 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I have had the satisfaction to receive your very kind letter of the 12 instant . It is singular...
18John R. Fenwick to Thomas Jefferson, 18 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I have forwarded by this day’s Mail two Packages Containing four volumes of a work given me in...
19Robert Patterson to Thomas Jefferson, 18 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I am directed, by the Philosophical Society , to acknowledge the reciept (under cover from you)...
20Thomas Jefferson to Littleton W. Tazewell, 18 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Soon after the service of mr Livingston’s writ on me, I applied to the offices at Washington and...
21Jean Potocki to Thomas Jefferson, 19 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
ayant bien voulu témoigner de l’Estime pour mes ouvrages je la prie de vouloir bien agreer le...
22Archibald Thweatt to Thomas Jefferson, 19 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I inclose Mr Ladd’s report—I beg leave to invite your attentive perusal, and receive your...
23Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Ladd, 20 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 8 th was recieved on the 14 th inst. and I now inclose you fifty Dollars, my...
24Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 20 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
M r Wirt having suggested to me that he thought the explanations, of in my case of the Batture ,...
25Henry Wheaton to Thomas Jefferson, 20 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I take the liberty of enclosing to you an Essay on the history & means of preserving that...
26Thomas Jefferson to William Wirt, 20 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to mr Wirt sends him some short Notes on the several...
27Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on William Wirt’s Comments on the Batture Statement, [ca. 20 August 1810] (Jefferson Papers)
Obj. that Joutel’s journal may not be admitted as evidence of the Charter to Crozat . Ans. I...
28Thomas Jefferson to William D. Meriwether, 21 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
I send the inclosed letters to you as one of the executors of our late friend Governor Lewis ....
29Jean Marie de Bordes to Thomas Jefferson, 22 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un petit pamplet sous le titre “de Coup de fouet ” ; c’est une...
30Delaplaine & Hellings to Thomas Jefferson, 24 August 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
We take the liberty of trespassing upon your notice by sending the enclosed proposal of the...